christine grahame illness

Paul Wynn Jan. 12, 2023. But weve got to change our thinking. I dont know about you folks but these days Alex Salmond dignity is clear to see. What is Christine Graham's office address? Liam Fox the Disgraced Defence Minister? 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm. Incidentally, in his interview with Mark McNaught recently Craig Murray identified a former MI5 agent working at the Crown Office. Illness and cancer disappear to make way for an ancient foe of dubious virility. Odd, that MSPs of a Holyrood Parliament can meekly accept flannel when the gravest of questions require to be answered? Wolffe failed to answer the most basic point: the Clown Office causing redaction of awkward questions to Nicola Sturgeon and hiding behind his bosses fake virtual signal excuse but were protecting the wummin. With pressure, and a slow increase in the number of charges, the police did open an inquiry. Find a doctor Back Find a Doctor. A stalwart of Holyrood since its inception in 1999, Grahame is both a formidable and highly respected character having been called on to convene four committees two of which, justice in her 15 years. Look behind what WAS said not what wasnt. Now we learn that they were instructed by the Lord Advocate, or by something acting through the offices of the Lord Advocate, to make their statements to the police. Even winning is losing as the costs are huge, and the time you never get back. Im wondering, as we all know the redactions are no such thing. Its surely got to the point that the party is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Her main challenger was Scottish Borders Council leader Shona Haslam, who took 12,981 votes for the Scottish Conservatives. She will not consider quitting.. Try every dirty legal trick in the book. Christine Grahame Profiles | Facebook Ive had the pleasure of watching many members of the legal profession undertaking court work prior to my retirement. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. So there are a few bloggers dropping hints now. 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm last 24 hours and why has the daily Death total today still higher than Sometimes the opposition misses the mark and youre doing things. Sturgeon knows you are hunting her down and she also knows you are not that far off from nailing her, hence the threatening instructions to all SNP reps from SNP HQ to stay away from Wings Over Scotland. what a shifty cunt he licks his lips like a serial killer in a movie. Thatll be the harassment + abuse that the Jury determined didnt happen! If the SNP get a majority you can have independence if they dont then thats it once and for all, Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage. Scotlands fortnightly political & current affairs magazine. My concern is we want cases that get to court and have a chance of success., Given the Lord Bonomy review into additional safeguards is not expected to report until early 2015, can anything possibly assuage her concerns between now and the Bill going before the chamber at Stage 3? Brexit: A few 'juicy reminders' of what it will do to Scotland [15] Grahame favoured siting the tapestry in a disused building in Galashiels arguing that that option had more potential to regenerate the area and encourage tourists to access transport links from Galashiels to the wider region. I think I get it now. 452 Msb M, Gainesville, Florida, 32610, United States Its the current manifestation of Scottish government thats the problem here, not so much the Scottish Parliament as an institution. I think the LA might have realised of that again as he was reading, or rather skipping some of the paragraphs in his document. What did she do with those two genuine complainants, those two slices of reality about which to burnish her poison? He wont get promoted like he thinks. Like the overwhelming majority of people Nicola Sturgeon unquestioningly bought into #MeToo propaganda which erases the fact that a full third of *current* domestic violence victims in UK and Australia (& broadly speaking across western democracies) are MEN. Both you and Mr Salmond are showing Scotland how the good behave. How much worse can it get? The murk and muck is really getting to me now and I am having difficulty maintaining politeness for those who still defend the entire mess. Grahame joined the Scottish National Party in 1970. But the animal is not Alex Salmond. I wonder whether Spear feels the same way about men who threaten corrective r*pe of one of her erstwhile colleagues, or is that all right for her? The other thing that distracted me was her mouth. Her first name is "Christine" and her last name is . Fear is nourished. Was he aware of what was going on? Hired mouths, prostitutes of the tongue. 24 February, 2021 at 9:24 pm She was defeated by Nicola Sturgeon. Dont rock to and fro Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Christine Grahame: Al-Megrahi is home. And he is innocent Christine Graham Profiles | Facebook She can really be really effective when she needs to. All this lack of transparency and the farcical claim that they are working in our interest, when they are clearly working against it, is insulting. Sturgeon, youve been found out. Come home Agent Sturgeon, your job is dome, signed your bosses at MI5. This site is the glue that holds us all together. She is the Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for the Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency having previously been MSP for the South of Scotland region, first elected in the 1999 election and re-elected in 2003, 2007 and 2011. The SSPCA was called and checked out the animal. Christine Grahame, MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, came out on top with her one-year-old hound Mabel, but the politician was humble in victory. I am a community health education major. How the fuck did all this horrifying madness happen? Nicola sturgeon pretty much said she doesnt know who Geoff aberdein is even though shes already said she was in his company at the end of March 2018 and then had him round for coffee a few days later. My graduate training has included both in-person and. By this time next week, I expect Nicola Sturgeon to be gone and the reputation of Scotland internationally demands this happen now. So *was* Geoff a complainant? The first time I was convener, we did inquiries we even did our own Act of Parliament. Is this the silver bullet moment for Salmond. Q. More to the point, it reveals a darker side of the matter and conspiracy is too light a description. Aided by the thousands of Wingers, who have to be the most knowledgeable collection of bloggers anywhere in the world. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate apologised for the Malicious Prosecutions fiasco, even though he inhereted the mess from the previous Lord Advocate, who got promoted for it, or something like that! Twitter Jeggit. It is quite clearly a vexatious intervention presumably intended to manipulate the narrative which Alex Salmond is empowered to deliver. [7] Grahame was also re-elected as Convener of the Cross Party Group on Animal Welfare. I suspect you have misdescribed me. Lord James Wolffe in particular should be utterly ashamed. About. Pertinent questions are starved before birth. I am sure shady stuff goes on, but all the MI5, British Empire, colonialism isnt that what the dribbling feel-good alphabet soup crowd have as one of their mental afflictions? This rhetoric is devastating for womens trust in reporting sexual harrassment + abuse. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day,about $24 billion a year,if we nationalised our oil like Saudi. The balance is wrong for the Justice Committee and its not the first time Ive said it and it wont be the last. This comes across as a deliberate attempt to withhold information and to tamper with the ability of the committee to make an informed decision. So I did., Holyrood provides comprehensive coverage of Scottish politics, offering award-winning reporting and analysis: Subscribe, Read the most recent article written by - Time for Michael Matheson to live up to his motto of smart on crime, Stay in the know with our fortnightly magazine, Registered in England & Wales under No. And the reason these ScotGov plants AND the Scottish COPFS are trying to suppress Alex Salmonds testimony, is because the manner in which the case was orchestrated against him is ALREADY STANDARD throughout the UK (& beyond) *secret* Family Courts system. He appears to have lost a lot of weight too. It would be helpful to know the process before the letter was issued to the Parliament. Maybe I read it wrongly, she gave the impression of the old school combative SNP MSPs. I am neither a unionist or a nationalist, but I have a strong mistruct, based upon experience, of Scottish lawyers. Sturgeons statement that because you are found not guilty, that doesnt mean you are innocent will come back to haunt her. Interesting that even the BBC is, after months of pretty much ignoring this, now giving it proper attention: It was the lead story on Radion 4s P.M. programme tonight. 24 February, 2021 at 9:12 pm Its bubbling up. It has said: We have not signed the contract with Circularity Scotland, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I very much welcome a debate on preparing a new dementia strategy, because it is a miserable, cruel disease that impacts on so many people, and it is increasing, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I thank the member for bringing this debate to the chamber, and I add my voice to those who are recognising and applauding the stoicism and determination of many in the hospitality sector, including pubs, small hotels and restaurants and similar venues in the Borders and Midlothian, which with Covid fundingalthoguh not all received itadapted as, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in the chamber, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in committees. Lets see what more we find out about this. So she makes a charge of sexual harassment, just so that it is on the record for vetting purposes. Unless, of course the Clown Office, Clown Agent and head clown the Lord Advocate misrepresent even more laws AND the judicial statement from last week by Lady Dorrian YET AGAIN. Ms Grahame was in Holyrood yesterday, but she has maintained a steadfast silence on the issue so far, insisting that she would not comment on anybody's private life. Christine Grahame's pointer Mabel is crowned Holyrood's dog of the year Grahame urged to stand down during 'sectarian' investigation Just watched Sturgeons soundbite on Sky News, baiting AS with her square-go style. It could have been composed by any minion or even the ex-MI5 crown agent himself. The Lord Advocate: Alex Salmond is due to give evidence on Friday. Cant stop staring at Tom Arthurs tie. Again, back to the nine-year-old, if youre not going to say anything or do anything about it, dont moan. Its a GLOBAL-WESTERN system DESIGNED to FACILITATE false accusations of domestic abuse, driving exaggerated statistics of Violence Against Women & Girls for mainstream media PreCrime amplification, to demonise, dehumanise and *normalise* the courts-judicial criminalisation of men as STANDARD, which is intended to lead to the destabilisation of the family unit and the subsequent *divide and rule* fracturing of multiple societies being gaslight set-up just to be put back down. To date, the case [for abolition] has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt, she says. He had the look to me of someone that knew they were in a hole and was desperately trying not to dig any further. If I heard correctly, the Lord Advocate said, in Parliament, that the sole reason for the redactions was to protect anonymity. Same with Baillie asking the urgent question in the first place. There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. A fishing expedition ensues. Jeez, what a farce! (And have taken the trouble to copy it before it vanishes into the ether like so many message before yours.). See all of Christine Grahame motions in Parliament. Date lodged: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 55 for, 64 against, 0 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: Paul O'Kane, West Scotland, Scottish Labour. In 1984, she graduated from the Edinburgh University again, but this time with a Bachelor of Laws degree. The problem with trotting out all that spiel about Law Officers doing the duty all the time, is that its coming from a Lord Advocate who has presided over malicious prosecutions of private individuals, and didnt resign, advised the Scottish Government on a botched Complaints protocol, appears to operate double standards in who will be threatened with Contempt of Court proceedings, repeatedly obstructs the production of evidence and information germane to the Inquiry, and steadfastly refuses to address the patent conflict of interest with his cabinet post and his independent capacity.

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