holy trinity egg analogy

These hand embroidered emblems are made with metallic gold-plated thread with silver content, printed on canvas. While it captures the idea that God is one, it doesnt do such a good job of showing how God is three and one at the same time. It can also be a liquid and called water. The Trinity are three distinct persons who exist apart from each other. They suggest that only one God exists but this God transforms or morphs into each of the different persons. The divine persons are really DISTINCT from one another, and not merely different roles of God at different times. Yet others have thought that H20 (water) shows us the Trinity since H20 can be three things: solid (ice), liquid (running water) and vapor (steam). According to modalism, God does not actually exist in three persons. When we think about influential New Testament leaders, most names are male. When we view the egg in its entirety we have the Biblical Trinity, One that is Three. Well, the egg analogy, when applied to God, suggests that only one being exists but this being exists in three different parts. Haydn Lea is an Associate Pastor in Queensland, and is currently studying his Master of Arts (Theology). The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, constructed between 1800 and 1804, is the first Anglican cathedral to have been built outside the British Isles. The idea of God as three-in-one is indeed a mysterious concept, one that is difficult to understand. The Unseen Father is in Christs mind. But we cannot do that (assuming we can) with God. Water at room temperature is liquid. These three Persons are all equally God and all equally Persons. The problem with this analogy is that an egg yoke is of a very different substance than a shell. In this analogy, God is compared to a man. The wonders and ways of God may not be apparent or fully known at present, but we can still marvel at His supremacy and worship Him in wonder- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! I can only shake my head when He does these things! Sure enough, one member answered Well Ive heard that the Trinity is like water: water can be liquid, gas (steam), or solid (ice), but its still the same water. The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. We define a person as one having a will and who is distinguishable from another person. As a result, this analogy can easily lead to tritheism in which there are three different gods which might share some like substance. I believe that the best way to talk about the Trinity is to simply say that God is one God, who eternally exists in three Persons. Jesus Person is joined to the Father by the Fathers Holy Spirit, because Gods Spirit is also Jesus Spirit - "But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. Indeed, how can an infinite God be contained in a finite human womb! Through the brokenness of the Shell, His Son, the Spirit white pours out into our beings through our faith in what was done and believers are joined with the yolk, for it is by One Spirit we have access to God the Father (Ephesians 2:18). Yet, the trinity is mysterious. It became real to me because I have experienced His love, grace, guidance, redemption, conviction of sin, and fellowship that comes from Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are three in one egg. And for a mere mortal to have dared invent it and be able t. God is like H2Olike water. But you cannot be broken when your faith is in Jesus, for the Spirit of the Son that lives in us and gives us the voice through which we cry Abba, Father, (Galatians 4:6,) this Spirit of the Father that dwells within you is there to strengthen, protect and guard your person. So comparing God to water isnt really as helpful as it seems on the surface. Because Gods Person is unapproachable, the Spirit White acts as insulation, for we know that it is through the Holy Spirit that God can communicate, speak through and interact with mankind. Matthew 3:16-17- As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. The egg shell is the image of the yolk and the white. It is a miraculous invention, the egg. The Holy Trinity: Egg Analogy The Holy Trinity is GOD in three divine persons GOD the FATHER GOD the HOLY SPIRIT GOD the SON But together they makeup and are still ONE GOD Like how an egg is made up of three things but is still ONE EGG. God is not made up of 3 parts like the 3 parts of the egg. It is not important merely for the sake of tradition, or because the word itself is taught in the Bible (. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Some think of God as H 2 O, which is sometimes a solid (ice), sometimes a liquid (water), and sometimes a gas (steam). This means there is a sense in which all 3 persons may act or speak as one. I dont believe that God wishes us to be confused about the Three that are so apparent throughout the Old and New Testaments. Or water can be evaporated and called steam. Before moving on I should note that providing a full theological explanation of Trinitarian doctrine is well beyond the scope of what I can do here. We all want to experience the good life. Or have you ever tried to teach kids about the Trinity? Modernizations of this analogy include that of an apple (with the peel, the flesh, and the core) or an egg (with its shell, yoke, and white). Scripture however, doesnt depict God this way. Over the course of church history there have been several heresies that have cropped up that deny one of these three truths. In this episode, Fred Sanders discusses what it really means to say that God is a Trinitythree persons in one God. This is just as bad as the Water analogy and leads to the same error. Perhaps we must be content to admit that we cannot fully understand Gods nature in our finitude. Therefore, in this context, God is the what and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the who. Hi Im not a theologian and I dont disagree with what you say but when you state that we know the persons of the Trinity have perfectly loved for eternity etc how do we know? What is wrong with what I said? His ways are higher than ours, but isnt that a comfort?! Although God is transcendent, sovereign, unapproachable light, He has condescended to reveal something of Himself to His creation. He can even be all three at the same time. Understanding 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. She would explode!" But its all the same person, operating in three roles or functions. The Sun was created on the forth day. Some have taken on the task of explaining how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exist as one. The Holy Spirit and Son do not send the Father. And then theres Jesus, Gods son. Sadly, theres something "rotten" about this egg analogy. St. Augustine, one of the most important Fathers of the Church, wrote a great deal on the doctrine of the Trinity. The Church should not forget that these heresies still exist in the present day and is even being taught by some priests and catechists. In the first place, if we truly claim to love God, then surely we should endeavour to know Him. It is the Fathers desire to join His Spirit with all of us as well for He has said They shall be My sons and daughters (II Corinthians 6:18). Water Analogy God is like water, or H2O, which can exist in 3 forms. He got married there in 1965, and his four . Jesus, visually seen, judges all, not the Unseen Father. So while its tough to make sense of the Trinity, the Trinity actually helps us make sense of so many things we believe. The Trinity is pretty weird: the Father (or Mother), Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are in some sense distinct from one another, but are all unified in another sense. Lost will be burned up. See the depths of Catholicism for yourself! My intention is merely to address some common erroneous analogies, including water. But based on what you know that Jesus is born so that He can save people from their wrongdoings, will you trust Him to forgive you. This is a quick way to describe the doctrine of the Trinity namely, God is 1 being (the, is Gods nature, essence, being) and 3 whos (the, being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Time exists as 3 things: past, present, and future. 2A) Dave is a father of four children: three boys and a . Cool it down, and itll eventually freeze into a solid. The Latin word for trinity (trinitas) combines two words- unitas (unity) and trias (three). He is one God who expresses Himself in three modesFather, Son, and Spirit. In humans, our spirits are designed to operate with and be united to the soul which is the person of anyone and so it is with our Egg. Our limited intellects are unable to comprehend its reality, yet, our Scriptures and scholarly Tradition makes it known to us. But you cannot be broken when your faith is in Jesus, for the Spirit of the Son that lives in us and gives us the voice through which we cry Abba, Father, (Galatians 4:6,) this Spirit of the Father that dwells within you is there to strengthen, protect and guard your person. Learn how your comment data is processed. But this idea is central to the Christian faith. The Holy Spirit is like the heat that the sun produces, unseen yet powerful and effective in making the sun felt. This is because the H20 is changing forms in representing each person. The Egg Analogy - This claims to be a good representation of the Trinity because Eggs have three distinct parts: the shell, the yolk, and the whites. This is one of the reasons we say that "God is LOVE". The trinity is Like a man who is a father, husband, and son. Have you wondered what is God like? Jesus Person is the image of Gods Person (Hebrews 1:3), and the Invisible Spirit of the Father that is in Him - God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (II Corinthians 5:19). I and My Father are One (John 10:30). This analogy denies the distinction of the God-head. The three-leaf clover analogy is OK. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:13). The sun comprises the sun itself, its light and its heat. - well, sort of. 3:15; John 17:1-4, The Holy Spirit Acts 5:3-4; John 14:16-17, 26; John 16:7-13. If the sun exists, there is also day; if nothing of this be manifest, it is impossible that the sun should be there. So if all of these explanations are heretical, what is a good analogy? Now God can be in you by His Spirit! Water can exist in liquid at room temperature. But in the Godhead, each Person is fully and completely God unto Himself (even as they are all one God). This would make Jesus something less than fully God. Each one is fully 100% God. You can throw away one part of an egg (e.g., shell) and still have essentially an egg. And the reason we know that is because the Persons of the Godhead have perfectly loved each other for all eternity. He was with God in the beginning. Our words should dissipate and be replaced instead with an awestruck adoration and wonder, as we realise the only appropriate response is to fall to our knees and humbly worship the one truly perfect, unified divine essence, comprising three diverse, co-equal and co-eternal divine persons. Space consists of three things: height, width, and depth. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is not His" (Romans 8:9). As a doctrine (belief), the trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three separate and distinct persons united in one being- God. The Bible reveals that each person of the Trinity has unique roles, relationships, and functions which are distinct from one another. At times God is Father, or Son, or Holy Spirit. What portion of the analogy holds true with Church Teaching? My name is AnnMarie and I'm so glad you're here! Dont become discouraged if you cant answer the question to your liking. Therefore, there is one God, who is eternally present in three persons. At the Cathedral, we recognize that there are responsibilities that come with . This analogy actually teaches the heresy of tritheism. The white of an egg is the connection between the yolk and the shell. When you encounter a person or group who denies the Trinity, it is merely a matter of walking through these 3 points, to see where they diverge from Biblical teaching. Stars were made on the forth day. Youre right, theyre all good but not perfect because only God IS perfect. Augustine's typical dialectic is to move from the exterior realities of creation to the interior reality of the human soul where he hoped to encounter God in the image of God, damaged as it is by the fall. In trying to describe what they saw in the pages of the Bible, the early church decided to use the word person to describe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thus the Father is in Jesus " I and My Father are One" (John 10:30), "The Father is in Me" (John 14:10) God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (II Corinthians 5:19). Each side is co-equal with the others, yet, each side is necessary. That is why Moses said. H2O can exist as a solid, a liquid and a gas but they are all still H2O. RELATED: What Did Jesus Really Look Like? Jesus Person is joined to the Father by the Fathers Holy Spirit, because Gods Spirit is also Jesus Spirit - "But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you.

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