sirius conjunct descendant

My mercury/uranus/neptune conjunction on the IC are exactly opposite to the Sirius/MC. While Venus-Sirius people feel alienated from themselves, Mars-Sirius people feel alienated from other people. will probably play a big role in your life and their energy will be out in the open. Recently listened to my heart and switched career and I am a lot more happy with what I do. Can anyone well-versed in medieval astrological vernacular help me out on this one? M thanks for sharing very helpful and inspriting, Im interested in how you would weight planets that are closely aspecting angles, with aspects other than a conjunction. Would you please give an example about how a Leo ascendant person would see the world? From early on, they may be original, independent thinkers, believers of personal freedom, etc., even if they were raised in an environment that does not value thesetraits. I am libra. I have Sirius conj my Jupiter in the 4th, which is the ruler of my midheaven. Individuals whose planets closely hit that vertex axis can have a profound effect on the relationship. Its image is a hound or a little virgin. You do need a planetary conjunction to activate the energy of a star. Thanks for this too Lisa. Hi Jamie I am glad that you were able to study and come with finding very similar to gauquelin and others who see the importance of angles. All this is from my own personal inspiration, and I discourage anyone from putting great weight into it. Uranus clearly influences my chart. You can also subscribe without commenting. And of course the alien thing is true for me as well. Favorable for hunting, besieging towns, and the revenge of princes, destroys harvests and fruits, and hinders the operation of the physician. Good Luck . I was the smart one everywhere I go, which makes me really uncomfortable. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Its also part of a grand trine with Venus, Mercury, & Mars. My moon/pluto conjunction trines it. What does this mean? For this he is killed by Heracles. Planets Conjunct Angles in Astrology - AstroManda You have the power (pluto on asc) and you can do it. But Mars in the IC could mean that you grew up in an environment where anger was very prominent and you witnessed or experienced power struggles with others. (Its a glass half empty, or half full? type of chart, and Im trying to figure out how to make positive use of it. from my MC, both in Capricorn and both in my 9th house. Also, the sign plays an important role. Just curious. There would be a coldness towards the children with little or no emotional attachment. The Descendant in Astrology is located in the cusp of the 7th house in our natal chart and is the opposite point of the Ascendant. Since Saturn is a social planet, Saturn-Sirius people dont experience Sirius-related issues as a personal issue but one that affects everyone from the homeland. I was born almost at midnight. But now that neptune is about to reach my saturn in pisces im kind of exploding like a volcano lots of energy that i am trying to channel in very important projects (saturn) but also many daylight dreams. Worth keeping an eye on that transit. Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Fromental Halevy, Josef Mengele, Mark Wahlberg, Billy Joel. vmware bangalore job openings; bowbazar gold market open today; best sedans under $25k 2022 I also have Uranus & Mercury closely sextile A.C. Sirius in the first house in cancer, with Pluto trine, a square with lilith, conjunction with mars, opposition with saturn and neptune thank you . I m a architect and i think i can do a good job But im working with my moon on mc, my needy little child ;-/, my little jocker..I need to speek and lugh while i m working There are a lot of emotions on the mc Not easy to andle with pluto conjunc ac.??? The more the rejection, the more the energy is projected through people that we attract into our lives. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. Yes, could be. This is evidence of your Mercury on your Ascendant- you like to learnt and to teach. This could one of the reasons for having financial issues. While this conjunction can be inspiring and exciting, it can also manifest in darker ways/ Outer planets are not easy to integrate and they can have a destructive effect. SIRIUS Alphabetical List of Features - So maybe there is a burning issue that lies at the root of a family problem or has been inherited. There is some danger from, or fear of, darkness and the night, and liability to dog bites, though the latter characteristic is probably associated more particularly with Sirius. [1], This is not extremely difficult. They oppose Chiron in Pisces at the MC in the 9th, Saturn about 8 degrees away in the 9th and the astroid Ceres in PIsces a couple of degrees from the MC in the 10th. New Moon in the Houses | Cafe Astrology .com eclipse. I have Mercury and Mars in a conjunction with MC, opposite Neptune conjunct IC. Sirius is the most comprehensive astrology program in the world, with advanced features in almost every area of astrology, including modern, Vedic, Medieval, Hellenistic, Huber, harmonics, symmetrical astrology, cosmobiology, financial astrology, and research. Hello AstroAmanda, what sould you say of a 10 Gemini sun conjunct IC 10, and Uranus in leo 22, conj asc 22 leo? Well maybe see you later at a UN conference or something haha :), Hi i have serius conjunct my lilith in the end of tenth house, what does this mean, My natals: Born July 6, 1982 Its all so complex that Ive yet to figure it out. I have Sirius in 4. Since the Moon is dignified in Cancer, Moon-Sirius people feel that their performances of foreignness fill a need. I do not feel close family ties. I have Saturn conjunct my IC, Mars conjunct MC and Neptune is 8 degrees from my AC. It is very similar to the conjunction in the powerful feeling's aroused. If a malefic be with Scheat, death by fiery cutting weapons or from beasts. My oldest sister has Sun conjunct Ascendant very tightly. People who have Venus in hard aspect with Sirius can feel like theyre expected to perform marginalization or exceptionalism. Rather, Sirius simply likes to orbit itself because it is an anachronistic star. Planets conjunct Ascendant: Ascendant is the mask or the filter through which one sees the world, and it is also what is projected to the outside. Only conjunctions are used in fixed stars astrology. John Henry. Since there are very few sources on fixed star interpretations besides the book cited on this website, I am stuck. Also, sometimes Saturn pluto is about delay, or a rocky difficult climb to get where you want to go that takes time and resources. Mercury and Jupiter are about labor. When is the heliacal rising of Sirius? The fixed stars used to mark the moon mansions all sit along the ecliptic (path of the Sun), or Moon in this case. Intersectionality tries to solve a lot of these Sirius related issues because it tries to create a space for everyone to belong in. It is a jolt to his reasoning until he really starts to think about their concepts. Thanksfully theyve settled down with their own husbands. Pluto conjunct the IC has an instinctive strength to undergo experience (sometimes crisis) to transform and transcend emotionallyespecially through experience in family. And what unconditional love in society is realy about. This is because Sirius is about 16 south of the ecliptic. Interesting question Rav. The promise that the USA holdsthat its a place where dark sheeps from all walks of life come togetheris a Sirius narrative. I advise professional counsel. Sorry, but the link of the 22nd Chinese Xiu refers to the fixed star Tejat Posterior, not Sirius. Sirius people live in the inbetweens. They find it hard to find home with other foreigners. Saturn-Sirius people often inherit the Sirius-related issues of their ancestors. New Moon in the First House. [7]. Consider that my neptune is conjunct to my vertex. Fixed stars only work in conjunction so your MC is not affected by Sirius, but the fixed star Vega. They are created by the intersection of your personal space with the universal space. I know someone with this kind of combo who just moved to a new place without knowing a single person and in few months they have people buzzing around them. Venus also makes no major aspects, and is co-ruler I have Taurus intercepted in 1st. Diana, since IC is the cusp of 4th house which is roots, emotion, feeling, home, it is the internal compass that we carry. Pluto conjunct the ASC is very different from any of the above. I have quite a lot of planets in angular houses (not necesserily conjunct angles). Cancer and the 4th house have to do with nurturing , the mother , the home , as the place of refuge which you find comfort and emotional security.It also has to do with real estate.Chiron here would indicate a possible wounding in one of the areas Ive just mentioned and an area that needs healing.Im sorry to say that I cant really define for you what this conjunction means.Maybe the things Ive mentioned will give you some FOOD for thought , and you can apply it to some of the definition of sirius in this blog.. I have read from various sources that fixed stars only work in conjunction. A Family Name. Ascendant conjunct Sirius and born at night: Insolent, cruel, lacking in mercy, hasty, rapacious, agitated and drunk. We dont like it when our parents fought, always pick up the emotions surrounding us and will get very upset if we caught negative emotions in the air. This start's off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. my chiron is 14 degrees cancer. Lately someone I saw only 4 times said to me at our goodbye: Ill see you at nieuwsuur. Fixed stars actually work on the 90 dial. It is very good for gardening and widows. Vanessa, it is true that conjunction is not the only aspect that are important with angles Any close aspect to the angle play an important role in life. Leorpio Knowflake . They all square my Sun/Mercury conduction in Sag. Gauquelins research showed that area of 9th and 12th, which are close to the Midheaven and Ascendant respectively, are more powerful than the 10th and 1st. Hi Grail, I dont have uranus on the 4th house cusp but i have the moon there square uranus and totally agree with everything you say. He's caught up in this, obviously. Ones own emotions can be unpredictable and changeable; it is probable you know something at a feeling level that will soon become concious. This is an American story. ERIS - THE CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES - Lynn Koiner The luck in this mansion is said to vary because of the conflict of the elements involved. ty, I am curious a reply on this one as well , Hi Cheri ! But if a transiting planet were on Sirius, it would affect how you experience that square to your Moon. . She spoke 9 languages, and was very much a part of the intellectual life of Alexandria. Hence my interest in how strong an influence these other aspects generally have. 4. So for best results have a PURE UNSELFISH intention /effort rather than a selfish one or the result could get you burned. I havent seen any indications that Moon square Ascendant will give a cold appearance . If you have moon in double aspect to your ascendant, it shows that safety and security play an important role in how you view life. I have Uranus onjunct my IC as well and well, yes, your not the boss of my is something thats practically written across my forehead; people kind of feel that energy from me. Mars Conjunct Descendant Synastry - What This Aspect Means I have never studied these Stars in Astrology it is a fascinating addition and I hope to learn more. And also Venus. Aries is a sign that's all about the self, and they're going to look for someone who is all about people other than themselves. Replies to my comments URANUS IN ASTROLOGY Shows Where and How You Bring Fire! ohhh about the metal.. i recieve msgs about the metal a while ago hehe cool.. thanks . I think has some information on this. MC @ 11 cancer I have experienced the same issues. Sirius shows up in the charts of my clients way more than any other fixed star. Its a good thing to have passion. Ancestor problems show up in the form of coincidences and synchronicities. guess the soccer player unblocked. SIGN UP for real time webinars on basic to advanced classes. 1. Maybe there is no family issues but instead in your latter years you get involved with some kind of healing field of work in which you have an opportunity to be well known for either among your family or community, or status. AppLeo Well-known member Aug 12, 2017 #8 katydid said: Since the conjunction is on your Descendant, your rewards and honors won't come until you are in a solid partnership/relationship. With you mercury Conjunct the communication must be involved in your case. Just being a bit bratty I guess but I do not need tittles nor miss them but I feel a certain way and others get that vibe of me also..Anyone else? This is a T-square but not a grand cross, as Venus is out of orb for the cross. People with lot of planets in angular houses feel like they are on a mission to do something important in this life and people can sense this fire. I heard alot about how Moon square Ascendant would give people cold appearance, but the thing is I also have Moon parallel Ascendant with very tight orb, 0.3 degrees. And what would Mercury square Neptune signify to you? What could you say about Mars (3rd house Leo and makes a grand trine in fire signs with Sun & Pluto if this is of any significance) in tight conjunction with the IC? I do not tend to be career oriented. Fixed Star Charts & Reports - Blogger In almost every story that I could find regarding Sirius, its a dog. Do you know the date of that eclipse? I would say that that the orb decreases the power goes down, but either side of the angles should be counted. These planets Affinity: This chart will show your conjunctions indicating affinity. Also when my progressed Moon was conjunct MC/Sirius earlier this year, I received a lot of praise and attention for an extra-curricular project I did at work. The two of you may easily stay together for the rest of your lives because of the intense attachment you feel for one another. Thanks for that Jo. mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. Great aricle, I have pluto in 4th house and in conjuction with IC but also Saturn in 6th house in conjuction with Desc. I have Pluto Rx conjunct ascendant H1 in Scorpio. Also, look for any trines or sextiles from any of your planets (Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Sun/Mercury) and as they may be the ones that give you support and a break. However, Ive found that the ideals of intersectionality, that its going to create positive channels of communication between different power relations so that those of us who are othered in more ways than one can position ourselves, dont really do anything for Sirius people. Sirius people are interested in investigating the histories that they cannot remember. Things got better when I accepted that change is going to part of my career path. I naturally have access to a lot of energy, at times it can feel volcanic. I was almost the eighth [of January]. I have researched the matter a bit because I see it in other interpretations as well. Performing marginalization can feel like labor for Mercury-Sirius people. WANT TO LEARN ASTROLOGY? Hi, interesting stuff Have Jupiter (1st) sun, mercury + uranus (exact conj to each other) in close conjuction to asc on what I hear is the more powerful side of a con this case the 12th house), with pluto conj mercury and uranus, but not asc. I have Sirius in my 10th house, 1 degree conjunct my IC. Do any of the main hopefuls have strong fixed star placements in their charts? In good aspect with Mars and Jupiter and close to the MC, promise is given of gaining extensive wealth, a lucky hand in commercial enterprise or matters of government. Could it be that my venus is in virgo, trine Lilith and Chiron in 7th in Taurus, but my DC is in Aries (have both signs intercepted in 7th). I think your analysis of planets closely conjunct angles is spot on. I have Sun conjunct Ascendant in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius. The explanation you made about how the persons ascendant works is very interesting. People undergoing troubles in far distant places almost feel like family. If linked to Pluto then even a genetic disorder. Because Sirius people feel that they will never belong anywhere, they often feel like theyre stuck in a competitive environment in which everyone is always trying to prove how they stand out from the crowd. Planets conjunct Ascendant: Ascendant is the mask or the filter through which one sees the world, and it is also what is projected to the outside. Open expression especially emotions are no-no and when I was a kid, as an oldest child I have to live out the role model image for my younger siblings imposed upon me by my parents (both parents have Capricorn Moons). Hi, I have an unaspected Sun conjunct Lilith and Sirius, and I cannot find any information on what Lilith brings to that combination. Fixed star Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris, is a brilliant white and yellow star, the brightest star in the sky. Hello Astromanda,I have Saturn conjunct DC in Aries,Neptune conjunct IC in Capri,oppositing Cancer MC.Indeed I often attract satunian people or feel isolated in sociaty.By the way,how to understand the Neptune conjunct IC aspect?Am I deeply sensitive and fantastic?Is it a challenging matter in career? This is more true for those who have retrograde Uranus wherein it is more difficult to express your uniqueness through action. r/astrology - Prominent Sirius star is most common placement in As one of the most personal points in the natal chart, the ascendant is highly unique to you. + All of these were in conjunction to my Ascendant (16 Aries). there should be tons of stellium people out there, but its hard to find good articles about how to interpret them. And indeed, things usually work out in your favor. Posts: 695 From: Cypress Registered: Mar 2014: posted June 25, 2014 07:36 PM I'm not entirely sure what anything conjunct descendant means actually, so I'd like some info on it please. Adagio Overview; Examples (videos) So check to see if there is anything that needs fixing in this area. it is our quest is it not , Hello, Manda! Thanks for the your feedback. Same for the north node and the south one? Hello! Most of life works really well, but my finances and career need work. They gather people, resources, and connections to build something that gets bigger and bigger over a huge amount of time.

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