zapruder film frame by frame analysis

Josefa was also an alcoholic and was admitted to hospital several times with health problems. Zapruder's JFK Assassination Footage Altered by Nefarious Forces The pieces of the parietal and temporal sections of his skull remain attached by skin, and so fall back into place, creating the appearance of an intact skull. making use of the excellent compilation of resources by Stewart Galanor. Didnt he bring it in some sort of long leather pouch disguised as curtain rods ? Most people assume that was the last shot taken by the assassins. He filmed from the time the presidential limousine turned onto Elm Street for a total of 26.6 seconds, exposing 486 frames of standard 8 mm Kodachrome II safety film, running at 18.3 frames/second. It looks to be almost a foot. She has worked as a creative editor at E.P. The only sign of any real movement (other than the limousine, motorcycles and those in the limousine) is the little girl running on the far sidewalk. 78,583 views Abraham Zapruder [Frame 314 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas] Copyright Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Credit line The LIFE Magazine Collection, 2005 Feedback Accession No. Kennedys limousine was surrounded by nine motorcycle policemen: five in front, and four more close behind two on each side putt-putting away. Despite being convicted of murder on overwhelming evidence, he only got a 5 year SUSPENDED sentence. Some of those were returned after being altered to conform to the narrative. Only Sands. Today, I wish to focus on these crucial frames, because they seem to have everything to do with LBJs car and the Secret Service follow up car, a yellow 1964 Ford Mercury 4-door sedan model 54A, nicknamed Varsity, driven by one Joe Henry Rich. But it may be more important to see what actually happens at the moment of the bullet impact. A week after Kennedy's death, the magazine ran still images of about 30 frames . The interview below is long, repetitive and meticulous, so I will summarize it. Kinser opened a golf course in Austin. The auditory startle pattern is a series of involuntary muscular reactions that progresses from the eyes and face down through the neck to the torso as the result of loud (~90dB+) sound stimulus. The Zapruder film first appeared on national television in March, 1975. Home; About M.K.Davis; An Alleged Fingernail from a Bigfoot. Failure Analysis' re-creation of the assassination using 3-D computer modeling confirmed a single bullet track was possible through both men at Z224, the moment of the lapel-flip. missing from both the Nix and Zapruder films comment. Furthermore, nobody offered Nix, nor any of the other dozen or so witnesses filming that day, large compensation for their footage. Jacob Rubenstein (aka Jack Ruby) Zionist Jew Gangster with connections to the Jewish Chicago Outfit Mafia, gun running, and who silenced his former acquaintance the Patsy Oswald. (The original was never returned to the Nix family; it was lost.) But that film at least as far as Jackies escapade on the trunk is concerned seems less edited than the Zapruder film. Then John Waters . Mac Wallace was LBJs hitman! On November 29, 1963, President Lyndon Johnson directed the Warren Commission to . As Kennedy becomes visible from the foliage, this is the first opportunity that an SBD sniper would have a chance to fire. Connallys mouth opens wide and his body begins to react to the collapsed lung, drawing him down and to the right. [along a straight line, through the oak tree and the School Book Depository window. Zapruder jiggled his camera. Under this theory, a photograph is viewed merely as a graphic portrayal of oral testimony, and becomes admissible only when a witness has testified that it is a correct and accurate representation of the relevant facts personally observed by the witness. He also met with a . . the fundamental evidence of Zapruder film fakery, > In total, the Zapruder film was viewed by this group on a frame-by-frame basis and at various speeds approximately 100 times. Many have observed that Zapruders vantage point filming the motorcade was obscured by a large sign for Stemmons Freeway. This is supported by the fact that his arms are locked into position until 313] (1/10-2/10 of a second after 223-4) Connallys hat (held in his right hand) begins to move in a reflex response to his radius bone being broken), Kennedys torso pitches forward suddenly (to 231). In a previous post, I reported that LBJ, knowing in advance what was to happen on Elm Street, was actually ducking during the assassination of JFK. Massingham May 1944 Daddy had seen suicides before. These are physical even visceral connections he makes with the time JFKs head came apart. with such a sloppy and easily-avoided blunder. Before: Z-368, Z-369, Z-370, Z-371, Z-372, Z-373, Z-374. Some time ago, Roy pointed out evidence of Zapruder film alteration not in the sequence on Elm Street, where so many researchers have found and pointed out obvious alterations, but much earlier as early as Z frames 153-158. In 1992, Failure Analysis Associates, Inc. disclosed the important evidence of Connally's lapel flipping outward for one-eighteen of a second at Zapruder frame 224. on the day of the assassination in a TV interview, All 486 frames It wasnt found in or near the snipers nest, i.e. Case Closed, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assasination of JFK. Still from JFK (Oliver Stone 1991) 145 Figure 52. ), as well as with a more direct method The Altgens photo shows that Clint Hill still has not jumped off the running board. The gif stops momentarily at Z155 : Image expert Dennis Cimino has come up with this study, where he has zoomed into the Altgens6 photograph, which shows definite obliteration of the heads of the SS agents in the follow up car: Both events cannot be coincidental. created this video in 2013 Connally told the Warren Commission that this was when he remembered being hit. But many did apparently hear two nearly simultaneous shots at the time of the head wounding. Homer McMahon vividly remembered that the customer at NPIC that night was asingle Secret Service agent named Bill Smith. Yes Agent Smith, you cant make this stuff up. The evidence does not fit the crime, IMHO. Last Second in Dallas, The call was made to the Houston FBI office and apparently did not originate from Haiti,, Best evidence I have found that the Zapruder film was a hoax, and that nobody died in that film. (YouTubeversion), Frames Z-001 to Z-257: Fixed camera pointing at the top of Elm Street I have no doubt JFK was taken out, I just dont think it happened like they said it did. educated Milton Academy Orville Nix filmed the scene from the south side of Elm and had his copy returned to him after considerable editing. Demonstrating what everyone has overlooked in the Zapruder film is the first aim of this article. a deblurring program that I had completed commissioned U.S.M.C.R. the assassination, and then finally frames from the Zapruder film itself. Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, Hidden History, Media, Politics, US News, Winter Watch Articles She said, As I snapped the picture I heard a shot ring out Then I heard another shot ring out and Mrs. Kennedy jumped up in the car I heard three or four shots in all., Sheriff William Decker, who was in the lead car, which was so far to the west it was almost at the underpass, said, As the Motorcade was proceeding down Elm Street, I distinctly remember hearing 2 shots. For your convenience, here are links to frames that appear before, during, and after Jackie gets to the farthest place on the trunk. It can be found in an article by attorney and JFK researcher Carol Hewett that is just stunning, rich in insight and very hard-to-get information. The Assassination of US Sen. Paul Wellstone, One of the Last Anti-War Populist Progressives, Photofakery: The History and Techniques of Photographic Deception and Manipulation, Biden (or his doppelganger) stumble into Poland, JFK Files Released in 2017 Indicate Evidence of Oswalds Fingerprints on Rifle was Lost, LBJ Hitman Mac Wallaces Fingerprints Found in Texas Book Depository, For Greater Glory: Mexicos Cristeros Resistance. The local police force was able to use this information to arrest Wallace. ): Incredibly, in 2021, nearly 58 years after the assassination, After preview versions of Thompsons new book had begun to be It was out of print and expensive to buy second-hand for many years, but Homer McMahon did not independently recall Captain Sands; but when informed of Hunters recollection, McMahon did subsequently remember the presence of a Navy captain, who had met the customer and granted him access to NPIC. I dont know if you have ever laid down close to the ground when you heard the reports coming, but its a whole lot plainer than it is when you are standing up in the air. There is another, more sinister explanation for the confusion and discrepancies when it comes to the number and location of shots. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. But in this case, Daddy said, Judge Farmer told him he was going to put suicide on the death certificate because the sheriff told him to., As a result, Lee Farmer returned a suicide verdict: death by gunshot, self-inflicted., Sybil Marshall hired an attorney, W. S. Barron, in order to persuade the Robertson County authorities to change the ruling on Marshalls cause of death. Hewas unaware that a different team at NPIC performed a second examination of the footage the following evening and believes that the Zapruder film that resides in CIAs archives today is not the film he saw the day after the assassination. I just laid down over on the ground [urged by another witness to get down] and when that third shot rung out and when I was close to the ground you could tell the shot was coming from above and kind of behind. New York: Random House, 1993, [Some people interpret the first shot as having been fired at this point]. Kennedy is clearly raising his right arm. Even further west, Mary Moorman took a Polaroid picture of JFK as he was being shot in the head. The first frame with light and contrast adjusted. of the Zapruder film. (Go here for individual still frames from the entire extant film. Each sniper is in a designated spot: Area of Deception (directly across from the Area of Certain Location), Area of Confusion (one on each side of the Area of Certain Location). Assistant G-2,Amphibuos Force Pacific (Major) According to Barr McClellan, the author of Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, Kinser asked Josefa if she could arrange for her brother to loan him some money. It looked to me as if the President was struck in the right upper rear of his head. The Zapruder film consists of only 486 frames. The dark area seen only in frame Z155, which is below the car, makes it appear to be suspended above the pavement and completely out of sync with the rest of the frame. the 6th floor window from where he allegedly fired the shots it was found way across the 6th floor, stashed behind a stack of boxes (presumably he put it there on his way to go down the stairs; actually the time it would have taken him to do that was an issue in the WCs attempt to reconstruct what happened). Kennedy's head. That makes more sense than trying to hide it somewhere, hoping it wouldnt be found. On film, Connallys sharp turn of his head to the right starting at z162, as a proposed startle reaction to the noise, about second after z158. Kennedy's limousine has just turned onto Elm Street, moments before the first shot, and the President is apparently waving. Pierre Sands was the NPIC executive director the No. And that moment does not show on the Zapruder film. On March 29, 1977 the same day DeMohrenschildt agreed to an interview with the HSCA, George DeMohrenschildt was found dead of a shotgun blast through his mouth by his daughter, Alexandra. JFK and RFK knew about the Marshall case and YET, stupidly went to Dallas, Texas, the last place to go, especially having had assassination attempts on JFKs life before that. There are reports from multiple medical personnel (doctors and forensic specialists) that Jackie walked into Parkland hospital carrying the piece of brain in her hand. Brugioni also stated that the head explosion he viewed was a largewhite cloudthat surrounded President Kennedys head and was not pink or red, as shown in the extant Zapruder film. I had read something about this guy Wallace being a psychopathic murderer, but having just read Wikipedia, that would be an understatement. I lost my footing and I had to run about three or four more steps before I could get back up in the car. Phillip Williss photograph showing Zapruder was shot here. April 8, 2022 There are three recorded interviews of the men who handled the briefing boards of the film. At one time, DeMohrenschildt actually was engaged to be married to Jackies mothers sister, (Jackies aunt), Michelle. Stills from The Shooting (Monte Hellman 1996) 149 Figure 53. Chris Bristow correctly identified the Zapruder film as the source. Wheres your evidence and your theory? It is sad that the formerly legendary Thompson bowed out of his JFK career Deputy Commandant ME65 (Jedburgh training school) 1944 She has also co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles for medical journals. I had answered it comprehensively for Thompson the President amidst flying bullets and rewarded handsomely for his effort. The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film's on November22, 1963. Six Seconds in Dallas, But he testified that he did so immediately after hearing the first shot. a long-awaited new book by legendary JFK researcher Josiah Thompson, Abraham Zapruders co-worker, Jeanne LeGon and her husband George DeMohrenschildt introduced Lee Oswald to the daughter of one of George DeMohrenshildts close friends, Ruth Paine. In the Nix film, Jackie goes noticeably further out on the trunk. while it was in Dealey Plaza and motored up to the lead car. There is only one problem with this: everyone who saw the In page 10 of MARYS MOSAIC, Jenny relates a conversation with his father concerning Horace (Hod) Fuller, a former World War II Marine. She had a reputation for wild behaviour and was said to work for Hattie Valdezs private club. It's called a NTSC composite video frame, made up of two fields, one representing the odd scan lines the other representing even scanlines -- when individual fields are viewed one is seeing 50% resolution of the frame, quite frankly the entire MPI Zapruder film DVD appears at half resoulution, its horrible -- Stick to the otherside of the . Apparently, Henry Marshall was about to expose a fraud that involved LBJ. There is an extant version of this manuscript floating around the net [which is possibly a creation of a good forgerer like E. H. HUNT].

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