how old is john lear

The survey was carried out simultaneously in two different rooms in order to exclude forgery. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear stunned the world by disclosing appearances, names, and details about the location of millions humanoid aliens residing on the moon. [25], On December 29, 1987, Lear posted a Statement to ParaNet, an early bulletin board system dedicated to the paranormal, claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T. "[29] 54. [39] Air Force Sergeant Richard C. Doty was also involved, said Moore, though Moore thought Doty was "simply a pawn in a much larger game, as was I. In the 1980s, Lear began espousing conspiracy theories of alien collusion with secret governmental forces. r/hyderabad Me and my friends are planning on starting a Bar & Lounge on a rooftop in Hyderabad. The electromagnetic vehicle that towed the moon into orbit is in the crater Tsiolkovsky. how old is john lear - It wasnt until several years later when Kerry Lynn Cassidy managed to get her first exclusive on Mark Richards and his story. spaceship that was towed into orbit. Im tired of him threatening us with inspecting Dimona. Make happy!Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for interesting and mysterious bonus content! Its the 4th planet from Zeta Reticuli 2. However, they managed to create a few and fly to Earth. This excrement, which develops after about two or three weeks, is separated with hydrazine sulphate in an acidification process which dissolves the protein coat on the RNA and exposes the nucleus of the virus thats detected by the antibodies in the immune system. John took his time to compile a list of insults and posted them wondering why that is allowed to go on. He was born on 3 December 1942. Moreover, Lear believes that astronauts had been preparing for this mission especially long. After a helicopter pilot established visual contact, Lear was able to successfully land at the base. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Moon has That changed in the Summer of 1988, when UFO witness Bill Cooper made his first public comments on the ParaNet Bulletin Board System. Delta Force attempted to retaliate. The symposium was titled: "The UFO Cover-Up: A Government Conspiracy? As the story goes the incident ended with the Grey alien killing 66 people which included Delta Force and the scientists. [17][18][19], In 1980, Lear was covered in local press when he lost a billing dispute with his natural gas provider. Both psychics coped with the task. They had him drink the pine-smelling fluid. [17][34] forests, meadows, lakes, rivers, people, civilizations, and its on a band of the Moon thats just beyond where we can see. The engine on Murray Street has been identified as either a CFM-56, CFM stands for Snecma OR the CF-6, which was a 767 engine, which was developed out of the CFM-56. John Lear - IMDb The 20ccs are metabolized in 36 hours, having dissolved the protein coat on the virus. The first flight to Mars took place in 1966, says Lear. Nazca Aliens. The original targets were Africa, then San Francisco and Los Angeles specifically in the homosexual community. He married Magdalena Mary Tritsch in 1764, in Pennsylvania, United States. And then above that, theres 10 levels. [23] In the 1950s and 60s, many UFO and contactee groups professed belief in Space Brothers, benevolent aliens eager to improve life on Earth. No doubt about it. The Statement lists three saucer crashes: one near Roswell. And the rays reflecting through the atmosphere will go more towards yellow, In 1856 a Danish mathematician and astronomer, Peter Andreas Hansen, proposed there was a bump on the far side of the Moon, center of gravity was actually placed 57 kilometers farther out in space than had been generally realized. John Lear was born in 1737, in Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States. Mirage Men author Mark Pilkington later described Lear's Statement as "a perfect synthesis of the Aquarius and MJ-12 disinformation and the chthonic [subterranean], paranoiac horrors of Paul Bennewitz. (7:00), Lazar alleges his employer at S4 was the US Navy. And the reason was, the first airplane got shot down over Russia, about 40 miles south of Yerevan. Iapetus is probably a spaceship too, The air settles into the craters and if youre in the crater, you can breathe fine. Flight 11 and 77 didnt exist in the beginning. There was a strict selection of five stages. This has been done for the last 40 years. Shows like The Office, Game of Thrones and Friends have helped define the 21st century TV landscape, but they're honestly footnotes . [35], Lazar's claims were widely discredited. 18 World Speed Records; A worked for 28 different aviation companies; A won most of the distinctions awarded by the Federal Aviation Administration: airplane transport rating, flight instructor, ground instructor, flight . An exasperated official told us he still had no records on Lazar. [17][34] Dulce war story, saying it was actually an incident inside Dulce between a single Grey alien and Delta Force. The Statement asserts that "some of the nations missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens". John further claims the moon landing never happened as is officially publicized. The Statement references the 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident and a 1964 meeting with aliens at Holloman Air Force Base. John got help from Ron Schmidt going into the archives, where he found the posts in question and informed William about it. And immediately he felt, you know, dizzy. At each different phase of the clearance, the soldier would take the M-16 and poke it into his solar plexus. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. John Edward Lear Lives in Nazareth, Pennsylvania | FindPeopleFast John Lehr - Wikipedia A great man and wonderful, caring family. John Lear had worked for the Paul Kelly Flying Service. They had him drink the pine-smelling fluid. [10] His first solo flight was at 16, and in 1960, Lear was hired as a pilot and public relationship representative by his father's company. By 1978, UFO mythology included a crashed flying saucer near Roswell. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear stunned the world by disclosing appearances, names, and details about the location of millions humanoid aliens residing on the moon. [33] John Lear's research and teaching interests include Mexico, Cuba, post-independence Latin America, comparative labor and urban history, cultural politics, and gender and social movements. John made several claims, 9/11 ones being among the most innocent ones. In the 70s, before NASA allegedly began to destroy the photos taken by Apollo 8, 10, and 11 and published in the 1971 NASA book SB2-46, it was possible to see the city, the space base, pipes, roads, vegetation, lights, mining facilities, and a nuclear reactor. Weightlifting mourns the loss of John Lear - International The symposium was titled: "The UFO Cover-Up: A Government Conspiracy? In 1984, Bill Moore's partner Jaime Shandera received an envelope containing film which, when developed, showed images of eight pages of documents that appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic 12", a top-level UFO group with the US Government. The 20ccs are metabolized in 36 hours, having dissolved the protein coat on the virus, In 1980, when Reagan and Bush were running against Carter and Mondale, as you know, the hostages were still in Iran, in Teheran. Their settlements are located in South America, Central Asia, Siberia and Africa.. (7:21), This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 04:31. John Olsen Lear (December 3, 1942 March 29, 2022), son of Learjet magnate Bill Lear, was an aviator who set multiple records, later flying cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era. So theyd say, you know, theyd read a sentence. the intention of 9/11 was to polarize American opinion against Muslims and to get rid of the Osama who was shutting down heroin poppy field and was causing a disastrous monetary lose to the illegal drug industry. According to Lear, everything we know about the Moon is a lie invented by the government for the specific purpose of hiding its extraterrestrial activities and programs. [14] In August 1966, Lear was featured in the Wichita Press after he piloted a LearJet carrying the rock band The Byrds and the trip inspired them to write a song about the plane. Describing the different levels of access John stated UFO activist, Nevada aviator John Lear dies at 79 - YouTube Yet his view is very much similar to series Taken, which again brings us to Fact or Fiction. John Lear - UFOs, 9-11, Moon Landing, Cover Ups, Conspiracies - YouTube You know, the Secret Astronaut Corps has visited every planet, or most of the planets, sun is an electromagnetic sphere. And then Bush took an airplane to Paris to meet not with Khomeini, but with a representative of Khomeini. During the Vietnam era, he flew cargo planes for the CIA. They preceded to drive home and were stopped by the county sheriff. "[39] One of their goals, Moore said, was to disseminate information and watch as it was passed from person to person in order to study information channels. John Lear, Pilot of The Cia: "We Control Alien Technology and There Are Most striking of all, however, is the statement made by Lear that Earth is actually a planetary prison and acts as a correctional facility where prisoners must reach a higher level of consciousness. Whether his views are agreed with or not the guy has done and seen very much more than 95% of the populus. John Lear age was 79 year old at the time of his death. They had dropped the load. And its out on the Paiute Mesa, we have bases on Mars. When he spoke, Moore said that he and others had been part of an elaborate, long-term disinformation campaign begun primarily to discredit Paul Bennewitz: "My role in the affair was primarily that of a freelancer providing information on Paul's (Bennewitz) current thinking and activities". June 29, 2020 Weightlifting mourns the loss of John Lear. The air settles into the craters and if youre in the crater, you can breathe fine. [41][bettersourceneeded], Lear's claims left a lasting influence on the UFO movementone author observed "in the early years [UFO writers] did not, by and large, embrace strong political positions. Before the army reached them Bob took a gun and ran into the desert, to hide. At each different phase of the clearance, the soldier would take the M-16 and poke it into his solar plexus, all these guys did was go about 100 yards down the road, turn around, set up all their cameras and parabolic recording equipment and were recording everything that goes on, the lowest clearance you can get is Top Secret. John Olsen Lear, pilot, son of William Powell Lear, founder of the Lear Jet corporation. To see some of Lears interviews with 8 News Now, visit this link. So temperature on Venus is much like Earth. [30], Lear had been posting "wild conspiracies about secret government relations with aliens" to Paranet. Nevada aviator John Lear's death Tuesday night has sent ripples through the worlds of aviation and conspir. Hey explorer! The cure for AIDS He lived down on Third Street with his wife, Josephine, and they were in our house just like Vandenberg, just like Twining, all those MJ-12 guys, Its theorized that there is one black hole for every galaxy, Its theorized that every black hole has its OWN galaxy, HIV - the protein coat is on the virus itself, The recycle time of the gravity amplifier is 10 milliseconds, we have got two live aliens from Roswel, one died shortly after the other one lived until 1956, we have found so far there are eighteen different alien species monitorning planet Earth, oh yeah Clifford [Stone], he knows everything, four, not three, astronauts had died on Apollo launch pad on January 27th, 1967. The atmosphere has a saffron color. He graduated from Northwestern University in 1988. Subscribe. Cooper and Lear were the tip of a spear asserting that the number one thing we had to fear was not little green men, but the government that colluded with them, appropriating their technology against us. Discoveries. [2] In the second half of the 1980s, Lear was "probably the most influential source" of UFO conspiracy theories. Out of 2,800 people, only two managed to do it. He went to high school at Shawnee Mission West High. Cooper and Lear were the tip of a spear asserting that the number one thing we had to fear was not little green men, but the government that colluded with them, appropriating their technology against us. Lear has declared controversial information, such as names, details, and the range of 250 million humanoid aliens that, according to him, live on the Moon. (7:21), This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 04:31. They were on their way out. Personal life. And Mossad was handling the whole thing. Number of people I cant show you a photo of the Enterprise right now, even though it exists. Unless Ron had a full administrative access to the forum neither he or John could see more than any other moderator could and if John as a regular member could go into archives so could any other member. Ketia Daniel, founder of BHM Cleaning Co., is BestReviews cleaning expert. The Ufologist Bill Moore was scheduled as the main speaker, and he refused to submit his paper for review prior to the convention, and also announced that he would not answer any follow-up questions as was common practice. Since the 1947 flying disc craze, Americans had reported seeing unidentified objects in the skies, and by 1955, UFO researchers were accusing the US Government of a cover-up. However, what actually does give validity is proof, tangible verifiable proof. During a 1964 hypnotic regression, Barney Hill became the first person to report recollections of Gray Aliens and Alien Abductions. He doesnt need to know very much. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. The atmosphere has a saffron color. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700, Scientist: Nuclear Explosions on Mars Were Meant To Exterminate All Life, Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 Encountered Giant UFO Over Alaska, The S30 UFO Bizarre Aircraft With Unrealistic Maneuverability Filmed Over Nellis Afb Test Range. The Statement references the 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident and a 1964 meeting with aliens at Holloman Air Force Base. And the deal was, if the Khomeini would delay the release of the hostages until Reagans inauguration, that the Reagan-Bush administration would supply him, the Iranian regime, unlimited guns and ammunition throughout their administration, which would go from 1980 to 1988. Next day William Irvine informed John he had been prevented from further posting untill he can prove those insults were used against him. Would like to know what would today's customers would expect from a bar & lounge. John; List Agent Last Name: Cuasito; Listing Office Information. But these are exactly the technologies that emerged after the US government invested billions or trillions of dollars in all of Teslas research, says Lear. Former CIA Pilot John Lear: There are Millions of Aliens Living on the Moon Army questioned John and then let him go. [39] Air Force Sergeant Richard C. Doty was also involved, said Moore, though Moore thought Doty was "simply a pawn in a much larger game, as was I. A Great read and solidifies who and what John has accomplished as a pilot. Allegedly he bought some old negatives, had them developed and computer enhanced to see the alleged anomalies on the moon showing structures and objects. Trending: Former world Darts champion, Ted Hankey, Charged with Sexual Assault, Aged 54, Everything on his Family and Wife. On May 15, 1989, KLAS-TV broadcast a live interview between George Knapp and a man clad in shadow and using the pseudonym "Dennis".

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