who created primus and unicron

The brothers Primus/Unicron backstory has evolved and been rewritten a number of times since it first originated in theMarvel Comicsseries. Death's Head then aided Rodimus Prime, projecting his mind into Unicron's where they battle, until Unicron's head was destroyed by explosives, and his essence was sealed within the Matrix. Eventually, Megatron disappeared through the Autobot GroundBridge. Eventually Primus took a stand against Unicron but the two brothers found themselves evenly matched in a perfect stalemate. Unfortunately for him, over time, Unicron learned to sonically shape his prison into a giant metallic planet, and Primus followed suit, becoming the mechanical world of Cybertron. More Transformers 5: First Trailer Revealed / Internet Reactions to Trailer / 5 Biggest Questions After Trailer / How Last Night Setups up the Next films / Transformers 6 New Characters? In return, Unicron sent something into our universe - the near deadOptimus Primeof the parallel universe, who warned them of Unicron's coming before dying. This portrayal of Unicron is consistent with his appearance in theCybertronstrip in the Hasbro Club Collector's comic where he is portrayed at around the same size as his foesSentinel MaximusandOmega Prime. Transformers: The Last Knight just launched a big trailer that showcases everything you'd expect from a Michael Bay movie (big explosions, fast action, flashy eye candy) - with a little bit of Transformers lore along with it. Hailed as the "Doom Star" by terrified humans, Unicron transformed to robot mode and prepared to destroy humanity. The Unicron of the Uniend universal cluster terraformed into the planet Earth after his defeat by the Thirteen. Meanwhile, Primus merged with the Super Energon, creating a foundling sun which arrived at the site of the battle. Unicron is also believed to represent the Anti-Spark (most likely a counterpart of theAllspark). That twist comes to fruition in Transformers: The Last Knight, and its one Quintessa hopes to manipulate to her advantage (at least if the movies end-credits sequence is any indication). PURITY - 10: The only thing that can stop Unicron is the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Unicron's head was seen one last time as Primacron's new creation had crippled Cybertron. To battle him, The One gave Primus this power also, but Primus opted to remain in planet mode, and passed the transforming abilities on to thirteen robots that he created from himself; the first Transformers. This incarnation of Unicron was never shown to physically consume planets in the same manner as his G1 predecessor, only to blast and absorb the remains. But if you go by this it also conflicts with the quints creating the Transformers. In the subsequent episode, series finale Nemesis, Megatron offhandedlyinsultedthe late Tarantulas as Unicrons spawn. Writer Bob Forward had not intended this line to be taken literally, but since the series offered no other explanation for Tarantulas beginnings, many fans did exactly that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Along with Unicron, his twin brother Primus was created. Here it is revealed that he had dispatched Scourge at the head of a huge armada ofSweepsto search the galaxy for Cybertron. While the Terrorcons poured into the Well, Unicron felt the return of the AllSpark, which Optimus Prime had just brought back to the planet. Unicron's body, damaged once more, lay in the dark reaches near the fissure, and the Decepticons began to raid Alpha-Q's new planets for the Energon necessary to revive Unicron again. Primus (Primax)/984.0 Gamma, Before the dawn of time, Order and Chaos existed within an extra dimensional. In cunning, however, he proved himself to his brother's superior when he shifted their battle to the astral plane, and then back to the physical world once more, only to have both their essences manifest within metallic planetoids, leaving them both trapped. Admittedly, Unicron has been rumored for about the last two or three Transformers movies, but since The Last Knight has the most compelling evidence of his inclusion, there's some Unicron Facts You Need to Know before checking out the film. arrive in the same universe as the primacon Unicron). Still active, Unicron used his vast mental powers to enslave the minds of the Junkion natives, who set about rebuilding his body. The Dreamwave equivalent of Unicron may be the same size, as the Cybertron of the Dreamwave universe was also said to be the size of Saturn. If Megatron had failed to destroy the last of the Primes thus far on his own, Unicron believed Megatron's help was worthless. Optimus Prime came across the meteor and found Thunderwing, who revealed that he was a minion of Unicron and his mission was to destroy the Matrix. Thunderwing even went as far as to seek help from the Decepticons for the repairs needed. Since Transformers: Age of Extinction kind of already blew the whole Galvatron storyline, Unicron's Four Horsemen would be more likely for The Last Knight. Although Unicron himself did not appear again, his origin in the animated series was later revealed. He leads his new undead army to Cybertron's Well of All Sparks, and engages the Autobots, Decepticons, and Predacons in battle. Although the end ofUniversedid not provide a proper conclusion to the storyline, the Cybertron Club Comic would portray the ending. The Matrix was originally placed inside the hilt of the Star Saber, which was wielded by Prima, the very first Transformer created by Primus. It turned out that theAngolmois was the spiritual essence of Unicron, and the Blentrons servants of the Chaos-Bringer. One ofOptimus Prime's visions of the future showed Mindbender and Unicron as a coming threat - a prophecy that came to pass in the fourth crossover "Black Horizon". His lust for destruction finally sated, Unicron entered a deep sleep - but he had not been thorough enough. Many of the latter Energon stories were set inside Unicron himself as Megatron, whoseSparkhad also survived the previous battle, attempted to convince Prime to resurrect him in a new body, with the planet eater seemingly unaware of their actions. The possessed Cybertron was swiftly altered into a scarier-looking form with a large mouth and grasping prongs, turned hostile to those on it, and warped to the Sol system. [6][7]In season 3, it is shown that the eyes fromMetroplexandTrypticon(both city-sized Transformers) are the perfect size to use as replacement parts when Unicron orders the ghost of Starscream to steal them. When Unicron then learned to transform his planetary form even further, into a gigantic robot form, Primus could also, but adapted the idea, and createdThe Thirteen, a group of robotic beings that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. In fact, one scene in the movie shows Jazz driving out of one of Unicron's eyes, just small enough to fit through them, though in another scene the Quintesson ship Hot Rod arrived is tiny compared with the eye. You are indeed where you belong. In 1987, Simon Furman began writing the U.S.Transformersseries in addition to the UK comics, and immediately set in motion an epic Unicron-themed story. Get back to work! The character made major waves in the opening scenes of 1986s animated The Transformers: The Movie, in which, voiced by film legend Orson Welles, the planet-sized Unicron gobbles up the small world of Lithone. Predacons Rising, The awakening of Unicron from within the Earth sent ripples that echoed into the multiverse, drawing the attention of Lio Convoy in another universe. A primal force of evil from the beginning of time, his origins lost to the mists of history, theArmadauniverse's incarnation of Unicron was the embodiment of the darkness and hate that lurks in the hearts of all beings. Unicron planned to use Shokaract as a vessel through which to reemerge into the universe and destroy Cybertron. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron. entity known as The One. Unicron is not like other Transformers he is so gargantuan that he can transform into a mechanical planet himself. The creatures would go into hiding, allowing humanity to develop. At that time, Megatron starts to question Unicron's motives of destroying Cybertron, but he only ends up being psychically tortured by Unicron to be kept at bay. As with his original incarnation, there was a failed attempt to make Unicron into a toy for theBeast Wars Neoline, and although regarded as quite impressive, the prototype - which, notably, does not resemble Unicron from theBeast Wars Neoseries at all - did not make it into the production. Dissatisfied by his new body's performance in battle, he tracked down Predaking, whom Megatron claimed was a loyal warrior. Unicron's head was subsequently blown off into space by an explosion instigated by the Autobots. Arms Micron Leo Prime bio Using his ancient sword and the power of his Energon Matrix, Lio Convoy carved up the remains of one of Unicron's rock-and-stone avatars to create the powerful Gaia Armor, severing its link to Unicron himself but allowing it to retain the power of Dark Energon. His coming in theArmadacomic universe was first foreshadowed when he pulledOptimus Primeinto a parallel dimension where Cybertron had been devastated. The most famous of these is Galvatron, the resurrected form of Megatron. Unicron then destroyed Lithone, before beginning to journey to Earth. When Galvatron showed any signs of opposition to Unicron's will, Unicron inflicted agonizing torture on his servant, even from a great distance, to coerce him into obedience. Primus responded by creating the Thirteen to fight in his stead. After freeing Unicron's captives, the Chaos-Bringer gathered an army of his own, dubbed "the Decepticons", to fight against Primus, which was led byRazorclaw, an alternate version ofTigerhawk, and consisted of alternate versions ofObsidian,Tankor, andReptilion. This substance was a violently addictive poison that could pass on to another bot once its user died, and was dubbed the Sparks of Unicron orDark Energon. According to the Transformers mythos (which sounds lovely when voiced by Sir Anthony Hopkins in the new movie), Unicrons origins come from literally before the dawn of time, when he was created by The One as a representation of pure chaos. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Upon arriving, he confronts Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Smokescreen, very nearly killing them all using his Dark Energon weapons. WebBefore entering a voluntary system's shutdown, Primus created the Matrix of Leadership to serve as a conduit of his essence in order to guide the transformers against Unicron. Who made Primus and Unicron? Sage-Advices When Optimus Prime restores the spirit of Primus, Unicron senses it and awakens once more, this time in energy form. The first of the Thirteen to appear in person was the Fallen. At his full power however, Unicron's mere aura overpowered the Thirteen causing them to nearly lose all hope before they rallied. He hopes this will be the first step on a prosperous journey towards being a professional writer. InTransformers: Armada, the enigmatic Sideways initially joined the Autobots,but betrayed them in his second appearance, claiming to have been a Decepticon all along. The war between Unicron and Primus came to its seeming end during a climactic battle in which one of the Thirteen, Megatronus Prime, who would forever afterwards be known asThe Fallen, betrayed Primus and became an acolyte of Unicron. This was subsequently expanded on and combined with aspects of the various Marvel Comics stories in Transformers: The Ultimate Guide, published by Dorling Kindersley and written by Simon Furman, who had written all three prior telling in the first place. The character Unicron first appeared in the opening scene of 1986'sThe Transformers: The Movie, immediately making clear his driving goal by consuming the small world ofLithonein the year 2005. The battle ended when the Fallen and Unicron were sucked into a black hole and disappeared from reality. INTELLIGENCE - 5: Unicron is clever enough to keep Galvatron under control, but if he can eat entire planets full of robots, why not turn them into slaves too? Unicron easily bested Prime in battle, and obtained the vessel, only to find it empty. To stop this physical destruction, Primus shifted the battle to the astral plane, where he fared little better, forcing himself into what seemed to be a sacrifice play - in shifting the battle back to the physical universe without time to properly generate their energy forms, Primus entrapped both himself and Unicron in two barren asteroids. In reference to Unicron's key role in these three series, Hasbro's head of Transformers,Aaron Archer, has collectively dubbed them "The Unicron Trilogy". Unicron is able to possess and take over others from his world, too, thereby manipulating both Autobots and Decepticons to his will. You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Unicron is dangerously powerful. It is unfortunate how badly underestimated and downplayed he is. Unicron is superior to his brother, Primus. Hes In 2010, however, Unicron attempted this again and succeeded, controlling Rodimus's body and reshaping it into his own image, before being defeated by Rodimus's own force of will. WebPrimus is the living creator-God of the Transformer race, whose body became the planet Cybertron. The brothers, therefore, represent the different poles of existence, two sides of the same coin, a conflict from which very existence springs forth. However, he was thwarted whenCosmosandFlinttraveled through his mouth into his body bearing the metal-eating spores of Cobra-La. Unicron made a cameo appearance in the secondG.I. He can also be found on Twitter at @DevinM626 and you can read more of his work at https://meenansmoviereviews.wordpress.com/. His presence was first hinted at in the second "War Within" arc, where theFallenenlisted theChaosTrinity(Bludgeon,Bugly, andMindwipe) to capture a number of Transformers (Grimlock,Blitzwing,Jetfire, andHot Spot) for an arcane ritual to summon the Fallen's Master. After defeating Unicron, Primus transformed into the homeworld of the However, several references were made to consumption, so he may indeed perform the action. After performing a "test run" on the moon of Protos, where he successfully created twelve transforming robotic beings, Covenant he birthed from his own body a group of thirteen robots that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. Set afterBeast WarsandBeast Machines, and his defeat bythe Wreckers, he gathered Transformers from across different realities to create an army. Primacron The first origin given for Unicron was given in Season 3 of The Transformers cartoon, years before Simon Furman came up with Primus. In one issue,Soundwavewas dispatched to Cybertron afterRamjetandNemesis Prime's failure. (Note: As originally written, it is quite clear that the story intends for Primus to have died after his battle with Unicron. Much to everyone's shock, a volcano near the site of Optimus and Megatron's battle exploded and released a load of Dark Energon from the Earth's core. We spoke of and anticipated this figure once we ordered it from Haslab. This new origin is part of the G1 timeline laid down by the Ultimate Guide, which is apparently being taken as the "official" G1 timeline for future projects that require it. Vector Prime then created a time loop around Unicron to keep him in stasis and prevent him from ever awakening. Megatron presented himself as Unicron's herald and servant, an enemy of the Primes, but Unicron dismissed the Decepticon leader. There were two early attempts to produce Unicron toys for theTransformerstoyline, featuring voice clips from Welles himself, but the results never made it to production. Arms Micron Gaia Armor bio, Rescue Force Sigma-17 was sufficiently aware of Unicron for Heatwave to remark that Boulder's throwing skills would be insufficient to hit the backside of Unicron with a lobbing ball. Through the events of the story, Optimus Prime learns that the Matrix can destroy Unicron, and he andUltra Magnuslaunch an assault on the giant. 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With Unicron's destruction inEnergon, the collapse of his body resulted in the creation of an enormousblack holewhich, if left unchecked, would consume and destroy everything. One Shall Rise, Part 2 As they moved through the interior of the deity, the Autobots and Megatron were attacked by a swarm of flying drones, Unicron's antibodies. Similarly, Optimus Prime sought out Unicron elsewhere, traveling to the area which the Autobots believed to be the strongest epicenter of his consciousness. Primus himself immediately slipped back into his sleep, but it was too late. His body in this universe obliterated, Unicron moved on to another dimension, to ravage other worlds, and make further attempts on Cybertrons throughout the multiverse. Travelling across realities, he arrived to find that the Autobots and Decepticons had already defeated Unicron, but elected to remain in this world for a time to safeguard against his potential return. Starscream (inhabiting and controllingScourge's body) gathered for UnicronMetroplex's eyes (breaking one and replacing it with one fromTrypticon) and Trypticon's transformation cog, and then began connecting his head to Cybertron, which would become Unicron's new body. Unicron proved to be Welles's final role, as he died a few days after completing work on the project; rumors persist that Welles did not complete recording of all his lines, and thatLeonard Nimoyfilled in for him, but the film's voice directorWally Burrand actressSusan Blurefute the claim. Otherwise, he's gonna keep on eatin'. The awakening of Unicron from within the Earth sent ripples that echoed into the multiverse, drawing the attention ofLio Convoyin another dimension. Unicorn is the Overarching Antagonist of the Transformers verse. He is the Architect and Embodiment of the very concept of Evil itself. He is the P Subsequently, Bludgeon's Pretenders attacked, and during the battle, a laser blast ricocheted off Grimlock and struck the essence of the sleeping Primus, causing a multiverse-shaking "Primal Scream" that woke Unicron and alerted him to Primus' location. G1 movie unicron was actually created by the genius scientist primacon, he was not the multiverse singularity unicron ( this is before the nerf In fact one of the comics shows the M.S. ", when he recounted it toDeath's Head. Now aware of his old enemy's location, Unicron immediately headed towards Cybertron, but, seeking a herald to sow chaos in his name ahead of his coming, used his formidable powers to send three agents -Hook, Line and Sinker, forward in time to an alternate future version of 2009. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Primes to help it defeat Unicron, and the Transformers homeworld Cybertron. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie[4] and has since reappeared in Transformers: Armada, Transformers: Energon, Transformers: Cybertron, Transformers: Prime, Transformers: The Last Knight and Atari's 2004 POWER - 9: Thisplanet-sizedrobot still needs the Decepticons to accomplish his goals. A new Unicron figure was released at the end of theCybertrontoy line as a Deluxe-class figure with a tank-like alternate mode. Unicron has his universe's Galvatron and the rest of the G1 Deceptions. The black hole was born, and Megatron was freed. InThe Transformers: The Movie, Unicron was voiced byOrson Welles. Hook didn't last much longer, being destroyed by an awakened Primus. Thus, Megatron becameGalvatron, and began to carry out his assigned task, although he was loath to do so. The war between Primus and Unicron has gone on since the beginning of the Universe, and could be the bigger story arc that Transformers: The Last Knight filmmakers have hinted at. Super villain Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. How exactly he factors into the current iteration of the myth is unknown.). Autobots, Decepticons, and humans have all united in order to stop the threat of Unicron across the multiverse; if Unicron is the threat we're going to see in The Last Knight, both factions of Transformers may have to work together (along with old and new human protagonists) to save the universe. As an immortal and eternal being with immense power, Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother, Primus, the To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. All Spark Day, Several years after Unicron was sealed away, Megatronus was freed from his imprisonment and brought to Earth, intending to use his spark fuser to combine the remnants of the Chaos Bringer's Anti-spark in Earth's core with the AllSpark, which would destroy both Earth and Cybertron. Primus intended for all his children to battle Unicron together, but when the planet-eater arrived, sheer terror prevented them from carrying out his desire. WebUnicron is a very large enemy of Transformers: Prime. We dreamt of the day and possibility of a Unicron toy. With Megatron trapped in the rift, Unicron does not encounter the Decepticon leader, and therefore does not make theFaustian Pactto reformat him intoGalvatron. They distracted him long enough for the Mini-Cons to access the power of theMini-ConMatrix and destroy the Chaos-Bringer. This interpretation of the character is evidenced by the parallel universe spanningTransformers: Universetoyline and convention-exclusive comic books in which the singular Unicron captured Transformers from various alternate realities and pitted them against each other, feeding off the energies released and theTransformers: Cybertroncomic strip in the Transformers Collectors' Club fan magazine, which depicts Unicron's actions in the various realities in a chronological order and claims that Cybertron is the stable heart of the Multiverse. Writer Chris Sarracini has indicated that he would have followed through on the Unicron storyline, and also would have had the Dreamwave version of Cyclonus rescue Scourge from US government study. Thrust's defection proved the death of him confronted by Galvatronon Unicron's surface, Thrust was caught in a seam as the deity began transforming. A worried Starscream referred to Unicron as a legendary "destroyer", and called his blood the "Anti-Spark" as well. But even then, given who's telling them the so-called truth, that could very much It would eventually be found by a lowly Predacon known as the Hunter, who fashioned a container for it that he dubbed the Decepticon Matrix of Conquest. Unicron is among the characters appearing in the 2004Transformersvideo game for thePlayStation 2. In cunning, however, he proved himself to be his brother's superior when he shifted their battle to the astral plane, and then back to the physical world once more, sacrificing most of his strength to manifest their essences within metallic planetoids, leaving them both trapped in the planet prison. Attacking a pirate vessel on the outskirts of a solar system, Unicron then journeyed to Earth. In one such vision, Megatron glimpsed the shadowed face of Unicron himself, and claimed that it was as if he could hear Unicron's own thoughts. Inspired by his Marvel Comics origin, the other herald wasPrimus, and the brothers set about this task, until they came upon a region of space teeming with pure Energon. He had slept peacefully, alone in thevoidof un-creation that remained, until fragments of the old universe that he had overlooked reacted, causing the Big Bang and birthing the current universe. Their service didn't last long, however, for Unicron was destroyed by Rodimus Prime. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. Unicron is mentioned a number of times inTransformers: Prime The Game. In "Revelations, Part 2", whenOptimus Primewas called to another dimension to fight Unicron's heralds, he reflected back on the final battle between Primus's forces and Unicron's army - where Unicron would have suddenly disappeared, his existence ended by the black hole created by his defeat inTransformers: Energon. One of the thirteen turned on Primus and sided with Unicron, however, and the war culminated in a battle that saw Unicron and this traitor, the "Fallen", sucked through a black hole into another universe. In the Furman-scriptedArmada comic, Unicron had different acolytes. It was the back story printed on Unicron's card which introduced the concept of the two being brothers created to explore the new universe by an extra dimensional entity, here named the "Allspark.". PHYSICAL - 10: If somethingthat bigwas coming, you'd run too. It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated the current universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. Jumping at the chance to work with a new cast of characters not involved in the American comics, writerSimon Furmandecided to cannibalize the best elements of the movie and work them into his stories, creating a future universe based on the movie's events, but different from the cartoon. However, the series was canceled before these plot threads could come to fruition. Appearing inArmada episode "Puppet," Nemesis Prime was created by Unicron to assist Sideways in his war against both Cybertronian factions. These Transformers were forced to fight inside Unicron, where he feasted on both the excess Energon they gave off and the Sparks of the losers. Click to find the best Results for bt omega magwekk Models for your 3D Printer. A strange set of non-human creaturesopposed Unicron, threatening to attack him with a metal devouring organic spore. Unicron's size is never specified in any canon materials, aside from the vague term "planet size". Unicron In "Christmas in July",Rescue Force Sigma-17was sufficiently aware of Unicron for Heatwave to remark thatBoulder's throwing skills would be insufficient to hit the backside of Unicron with a lobbing ball. Together, they keep the universe in balance. James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, Transformers: The Last Knight IMAX 3D Featurette, Transformers Bumblebee Spinoff Moving Forward With Harley Quinn Movie Writer, Transformers: 5 Facts to Know About Unicron, New Smash Up! Darkness Rising, Part 2 Megatron injected a piece of Dark Energon into himself and announced that he could hear Unicron's thoughts, much to Starscream's concern.

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