city of liberty hill design standards

The owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with removal and disposal of the sign. A floor used only for storage purposes is not a habitable floor, nor is an unfinished area or enclosure usable solely for parking of vehicles or building access considered habitable. A sign relating to: a political party, the election of a person to public office, or a matter to be voted upon at an election called by a public body. Lot, Through. Neighborhood Commercial/Retail (C1). However, the paint must completely cover the sign face or message portion of the structure. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of financial and banking services. Typical uses include boarding kennels, pet motels, or dog training centers. All open, off-street parking and vehicular use areas shall bear an all-weather geotechnically engineered surface to meet a loading requirement of 75,000 pounds. Any device or representation that is used to visually communicate its subject to others. The City Administrator shall have the authority to request any pertinent information required to ensure compliance with this Code. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless lighting requirements as defined in this Code are met. Home Occupation. Preservation of a Substantial Property Right. A supporting structure erected, used or intended for identification or to attract attention, with or without a sign thereon, situated upon or attached to the premises, upon which any sign may be fastened, affixed, displayed or applied, provided, however, this definition shall not include a building, fence, wall or earthen berm. B. A district that is fixed on the base zoning area only upon City Council approval of a specific development application meeting the requirement of this Ordinance Code [sic]. 2. A. (4) Transfer of required parkland dedication in one subdivision to another location owned by the same subdivider within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision. C. Nonconforming Signs that do not comply with the City Construction Code shall be subject to enforcement under the Construction Code, as well as this Section. Bed and Breakfast. A structure that was lawfully erected but which does not conform to the currently applicable requirements and standards prescribed in the regulations for the district in which the structure is located by reason of adoption or amendment of this Code. The Minimum Lot Width is the minimum width of a lot (in feet), measured parallel to and along the front property line. To render advice and guidance, upon reasonable request of any property owner, or its agent, or occupant, on development or new construction or the restoration, alteration or maintenance of any building within the City. When standards are in conflict, the more restrictive standard shall apply. There must be a rough proportionality between the traffic impacts created by a new development and requirements placed on the property owner or applicant for new development to dedicate and improve off-site, abutting and internal street rights-of-way to City standards. AUTOMOTIVE AND EQUIPMENT SERVICES. A variance to the development standards of this Code will be considered an exception to the regulations contained herein. Vehicle Sales. All Nonconforming Signs that were erected in violation of the ordinances of the City in existence at the time the sign was permitted or should have been permitted, and which violation was or has not been cured, shall, upon written notice, be required to be brought into compliance with this Section or removed within a reasonable time frame specified by the City Administrator, but not to exceed 30 days. 6. BSEACD. Agricultural use types include the on-site production of plant and animal products by agricultural methods. C. The City Administrator shall have the following additional duties: 1. Open-air storage, distribution and handling of materials and equipment. This district is intended to provide for various types of residential development, including conventional single and two-family residences and higher density residences, such as triplexes, townhomes, garden homes, condominiums, and apartments. All improvements reflected on approved site plans must be constructed at the time of development. If the Comprehensive Plan is amended, the Code should also be amended if found to be necessary or advisable by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 1. Appeals of administrative decisions may only occur after a final decision by the City Administrator. Submittal of different applications related to the same development may be made simultaneously, although the review and processing of applications must remain in sequence as described in Table 3-1 above and elsewhere in this Code. Critical Root Zone (CRZ). Issue the sign permit, if the sign(s) that is the subject of the application conforms in every respect with the requirements of the Section and of the applicable Master or Common Signage Plan; or. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. These signs must be removed within seven days after the property is sold or leased; 3. Lot design standards within the Liberty Hill City limits are categorized by Zoning District. A. Applicability. Infill will require adherence to be consistent with the stated zoning classification. Veterinary services and hospitals for animals. These uses and the districts where they may locate are listed in Section 4.09. C. It shall be unlawful to offer and cause to be recorded any Preliminary Plat of land within the City limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of Liberty Hill with the County Clerk by any party other than the City Administrator or another duly authorized representative of the City of Liberty Hill. 4. D. Meet the minimum dimensional, environmental, parking, landscaping, and water conservation requirements of this Code. D. Compliance with these requirements shall be administered by the City Administrator or his designee. The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of these regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. Any matter or material that yields an odor which that [sic] most persons find to be offensive. City of Liberty Hill PPC Rating is a split 5/5Y classification. It is the Citys intent to institute a procedure to assure that mandatory dedications of street rights-of-way and street construction requirements are proportional to the traffic demands created by a new development. 3. The purpose for such registration and determination is to assist City Staff in their review of the applicability of Chapter 245 or 43.002 to a particular project. F. No tree shall be planted in a public right-of-way without prior authorization from the City Administrator and any other applicable entity (e.g., Williamson County, TxDoT). F. The City Engineer is responsible for final action. F. 7,500 sq. A portion of a roadway designed to allow vehicles to safely decelerate for turns onto intersecting streets or safely accelerate to merge with the prevailing traffic flow. The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises, or any part thereof, and any architect, engineer, builder, contractor, agent or other person who knowingly commits, participates in, permits, assists with or maintains such violation may each be found guilty of a separate offense and suffer the penalties provided in this Chapter; in addition, each party may also be subject to civil penalties as provided in this Chapter or applicable law. Driveway. 5. A Zoning Verification Letter does not vest the property owner with permission to proceed with a development; does not specify requirements that must be met for future development; and does not include a determination that a tract of land may be developed. CONSTRUCTION SALES AND SERVICES. It may be a loop street or may link local and/or collector streets. 2. Inflatable Sign. In cases of partial destruction by fire or other causes, not exceeding fifty (50) percent of its value, the building inspector shall issue a permit for reconstruction. A statement that the City Attorney and City Council or its designee shall review progress pursuant to the consent agreement at least once every twelve (12) months to determine if there has been demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the consent agreement. I. A house that is used as a lodging facility for paying guests. 12. Construction on single-family or duplex lots in existing subdivisions with average lot sizes greater than one-half (1/2) acre or twenty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty (21,780) square feet do not require a site development permit. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. The CRZ is measured as one foot of radial distance outward from the trunk for every inch of the tree caliper, and may not be less than a radius of eight feet[.]. In the sixty (60) day period prior to September 1st of each year, any person may provide a request for amendment to the Code to the City Secretary. Where complete separation of pedestrian and vehicles is not feasible, potential hazards shall be minimized by using landscaping, bollards, special paving, lighting and other similar means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas. Doctor, dentist, veterinarian or other medically related office; or. Subdivision activities and projects must be in compliance with this Code as well as the current (at the time of plat application) version of the Williamson County Subdivision Regulations. C. Approval Criteria. Nuisance. Pavement Cut Policy. Regulations on commercial development should be intelligently crafted, so as to encourage economic development by providing predictability, continuity, and protection for investments that would be enhanced by orderly and attractive growth. J. CEMETERY. Nonresidential subdivisions and residential subdivision of four or fewer single-family lots shall not be subject to the parkland dedication requirements of this section. 4. C. Development-Related Applications and Permits. That the development encourage walking and biking, enhance transit service opportunities, and improve traffic safety through promoting low speed, cautious driving while fully accommodating the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists. Whenever this Chapter imposes a higher standard than that required by easements, deed restrictions, covenants or agreements, the provisions of this subchapter shall govern to the extent permitted by law. B. A use providing counseling, guidance, recuperative, or similar services to persons requiring rehabilitation assistance as a result of mental illness, alcoholism, detention, drug addiction, or similar condition, on a day time care basis. 3. If the application is not resubmitted within a period specified by the City Administrator, a new application and fee shall be required. A development concept which encourages and permits variations in residential developments by allowing deviation in lot size, type of dwelling, lot coverage and open space from that which is normally required in the applicable zoning district. C. Williamson County is responsible for final action. Any sign that is deemed dilapidated by the City Administrator after the adoption date of this Section, the owner shall remove the sign within 30 days after receiving written notice from the City Administrator; 3. Failed loading. Any modification to an approved site plan that was filed as part of a Conditional Use Permit shall cause the Conditional Use Permit to become void, regardless of its current status, including any approval previously given by the City Council. Standards within base zoning districts and overlay districts may be slightly different than those standards found within this Chapter. A. A strip or area of land, identified on a site plan or in a zoning ordinance, established to separate one type of land use from another land use. The landowner or developer shall be required to comply with all the requirements for Fiscal Surety relating to Construction and Maintenance as detailed in Chapter 7. TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL. BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICES. Have direct access to an approved public or private street or street right-of-way, as specified in this Code; C. Provide safe parking and fire and police access; and. The City Administrator may determine that the modification to the site plan does not change the basis for Conditional Use Permit approval and issue a temporary approval to the modified Conditional Use Permit. The Downtown Overlay District (O-D) is intended to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, enable a mixture of uses, promote higher residential density, and ultimately create a vibrant area as a gathering place for the community. Selective Clearing. Establishments or places or [of] business primarily engaged in automotive related or heavy equipment sales or services. Buffer yards shall be located on the side and rear lot lines of a parcel extending to the lot or parcel boundary line. Predominantly spectator uses conducted within an enclosed building. The Future Land Use Map should be consulted for areas located outside of the current City Limits of Liberty Hill in order to determine the recommended use(s) of land for a specific area. Where flow records are available, a stream with a 7Q2 flow of less than 0.1 ft3/s is considered intermittent. Within ten (10) days after a final decision is made by the authority authorized to make the final determination under the requirements of this Code, a copy of the written decision will be sent to the applicant. Birds that frequent and often swim in water, nest, and raise their young near water, and derive at least part of their food from aquatic plants and animals. That the development objectives of the property owner are or will be frustrated. All outdoor lighting fixtures installed on private and public property within the city limits after the adoption of this Code shall be required to comply with this Code. The regulations and restrictions of the City Council for the City of Liberty Hill will be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. G. Minimum Requirements. C. The City Council shall, if requested in writing by the permit holder, hold a public hearing no later than forty-five (45) days after notification is sent to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit of its intent to suspend. The City shall not provide or connect City water, sewer, or other utility owned or licensed by the City to any property to which the provisions of this Code apply, unless and until the owner of the property, or its agent, is in compliance with the provisions of this Code. I. Absolute majority. The issuance of any permit, certificate or approval in accordance with the standards and requirements of this Code shall not relieve the recipient of such permit, certificate or approval from the responsibility of complying with all other applicable requirements of any other municipality, special district, state or federal agency having jurisdiction over the structures or land uses for which the permit, certificate or approval was issued. Any waste materials, except garbage, including but not restricted to, paper, rags, boxes, cartons, wood excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery, dust, and the residue from the burning of combustible materials.

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