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Composite charts are all about the relationship. if youd like clarification on any retrogrades feel free to comment them or dm me! In many Latin based languages, bella translates to beautiful. : Sun in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius Sun in the 2nd/5th . They feel at home with each other, but if that feeling ever leaves, the relationship can crumble apart. though you may not be the best at picking up on the social cues given around you. on the other hand, if odysseus and circe are in the same house and conjunct one another - that means something), solar return, persona charts, synastry, etc., use my ask button. IN MY OPINION Lucubratio can be used to tell you a) how well you work at night, b) in what area you are most productive at night, and/or c) if you could be considered nocturnal. lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? be careful with makeup use - you may find that it shocks others and even yourself and can be dangerous for those who struggle with dysmorphia. The technique adopted is to. you may have attributions of a devotee attached to the occult - this could appear unconventional to the outsider. IN MY OPINION Schulz in your chart can indicate a) interests in comics, b) artistic ability, and/or c) where you may be consider very influential in your field of choice. This can also make the relationship very individualistic, which can be good or bad. this could be backed by my aldrin quintile mercury and square saturn. What if its retrograde? there could be struggles with independence or leadership (i feel like pissing competitions are most common in mars retrogrades). 5h: casino, racetrack, cinemas, circus, concert, via parents, parent-child events, social parties, bars, or a vacation. There will be issues of money,trust and faithfulness in the married life of the native. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: alice (291), marchare (6736), redqueen (17681), and lewiscarrol (6984)! dont grin and bare things, it does nothing good for you. you could unconsciously put off strangers simply due to sensitivity - the asteroids namesake sparked a lot of fear from the masses after her transformation because of misguided displays of emotion. you may be very routine and ritual oriented - you likely get into a zone where you stop paying attention to everything around you and focus solely on what the task is. medusa was scared and upset over her new circumstance, and others were scared of her appearance as well - she reacted to them, and they reacted to her by turning to stone. where bella is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in libra at 29 - bruh its not easy being this sexy. chiron retrograde people may not realize they are suffering until it is too late. you arent alone in period issues either - talk with your doctors! King Actor reigned during the time in which Peleus was exiled by his father. they may hate rivalries with others. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. they may lack intuition or have an intuition that others do not believe in. they may also struggle with growing up - this could be related to separating from parents, getting a job, leaving a home town, or even going away for school expanding from these pre-existing notions tends to be hard on them. He is thought to be the greatest of his time in fact he was nominated for many awards but sadly he never won any of them. you may find where you devote a lot of time and emotional energy that you are often quickly dismissed and punished after one misstep similar to medusa. i implore you to read the saturn aspects to see what resonates! He was a painter, engineer, sculptor, and so much more! 7h: i feel as though, for this asteroid, this house is not about marriage. JUPITER: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four months. where aldrin is for me and how it affects me personally: 6h in leo at 27 - i could definitely see myself as a co-owner or a vice president of a company. it is likely very important to you that you feel like you are useful and doing something of meaning - making you someone who often performs acts of service. try a fidget tool. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. you like may feel insecure as you grow older and change - you may cut yourself off from others. The word nostalgia originated from the Greek words nostos and algos - which become returning home to pain. They see the relationship between two people as an entity separate from the individuals in the relationship. Youre called to be the voice of reason, to reassess your communication style and bring truth of revolution so speak and let your voice be heard no matter how discouraging it can be. The result given by the Marriage calculator is generic in mature and some aspects of the result in . Pisces (Saturn transiting the 12th house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons in your life through the subconscious, dream state, sleeping, isolation, spiritual state, and sacrifice. Certain minor asteroids can help you learn more about different aspects of your life and can serve as indicators in your chart. she wasnt trying to lure poseidon into athenas temple but that is what the goddess assumed. you may be a bit of a pessimist, planning for the doom in most scenarios - youd be the version of medusa who felt unsettled getting water feeling that something was wrong. Could be a marriage indicator. she was anything but stoic then - she created stoic statues, yes, but she had so much repressed emotional energy plus hatred and fear over what was happening to her she just popped - you too may have those moments when the world just goes dark and you rampage, sulk, or whatever you need to do to let it ALL out. Free Astrology Calculator. you are likely a genuine person whom doesnt do things because they want power, rather because they care. practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. Now let me explain how astrology helps in marriage time predictions. Saturn was in Cancer which falls in his 11th which is trine to 7th house. retrogrades: all the planets and five common asteroids, unnamed and renamed asteroids? IN MY OPINION Hannibal in your chart can represent a) where you take charge, b) where you know your enemies best, c) where you are an incredible leader, and/or d) where you remain a mystery and unpredictable to your opponent. What is the disposition a person takes while indulging in karma? If youre in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. this house is likely to reflect long-term relationships with those you find like-minded. Saturn in 11th House Career, Gains-Loss, Marriage - AstroSanhita your reputation is likely to revolve around what you preach and share with the world. PDF Astrological Indicators of Marriage - AstroInvestigators these things often disrupt their day-to-day life: natural disasters, divorces, health woes, etc. they may be quick to anger and have a hard time reallocating that anger into doing something productive. hiii, what are the indicators of meeting the person you will marry on the solar return chart?. taurus (2, 14, 26): you entrance those around you in the same way medusa did. dont comment when provoked or just to do so - think before you say things. This is a harder time to conceive a child if you are trying, a long process of adoption or surrogacy, difficulty with fertility, or distance between you and a partner are common. Type Of Spouse/ Partner/Husband Or Wife In Astrology As Per Planets: A loyal Spouse is the desire of every individual on this planet. you are likely very religiously devoted. on the plus side, you may have really nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. you may find yourself in a poverty-stricken area reviving old things to be new once more. this is a great time to take your time - think through things! thats enough from me. Car troubles are common so watch for road mishaps and accidents, this could be a time to learn to drive, getting a license, or simply moving up in learning or your community. i also dont like spamming. but at the end of the day, i am NOT a night owl this asteroid sextiles the sun and is at a leo degree for me so i am definitely the most productive when it is light out. it takes time. she was beautiful - her hair flowed in the breeze, and everyone around her was simply enchanted. Astrologer Yogendra. get a cat lmao. negative aspects: you could resonate with medusas fall from grace with athena - you too may understand what it is like to be punished for something you didnt do. another very odd example is currency; even those who are famous with minor aspects between this asteroid and mars have been featured on coins! The natural tenth sign of Capricorn is the sign of. Timing Of Marriage Via Astrology - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus where lev tolstoj and alexejtolstoj are for me and how it affects me personally:lev tolstoj 6h in virgo at 5 and alexejtolstoj 10h in capricorn 9 - this makes a bit of sense to me not because i love tolstoy (no offense to levy t but prefer pushkin and dostoevsky) but because of my political ideology. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. just some facts ive gathered over the last few dayss.. should i do a pt2?? where einstein is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 16 - lol yes, this is conjunct educatio and yes, everyone in college comes to me when they need help. like just focus on yourself and stop trying to control everyone and just embrace the fact that you are alive. Details about your life partner can be procured from this . IN MY OPINION Byron in a chart can indicatea) how well read you are, b) your love for poetry, c) how people react to you and how you react to them, and/or d) bisexuality. clean out the closets, following lists, the memory bin, photos, and detox from all that stuff youve been dragging along! gemini - mercury. (Capricorn shows architects) Mars in 10th individuals is usually shown in successful doctor's natal charts. * Jupiter in the 7th you may find yourself going to a feminine when you need help and them betraying you. you likely will attract and meet people from all over just like medusa did. so you may get that similar spiel - sleep easy knowing that youll be remembered by all. negative aspects: you could be despised for your looks and find yourself punished/ostracized by the one who despises them the most - others may fear/avoid you after this. This also doesnt apply to just romantic relationships, this is to any partnerships, even with parents, that need a reassessment of values and boundaries. you may experience a lot of unexpected life changes just when you start feeling comfortable. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. these people typically have a different taste in music compared to everyone else - they may only listen to jazz or classical or something rather underground OR their taste in music doesnt appear to match them at all. Bill Clinton's Navamsha Chart CLINTON DASHA medusa-neptune: you may feel safest when daydreaming, drinking or indulging in substances, in your safe space, when disguised, and/or surrounded by religion, but these situations may cause you danger. capricorn (10, 22): you share medusas air of seriousness - she was always too focused on the task at hand rather than noticing the room around her. Physically, watch for problems with the hip/thigh areas. let me know if youd like me to go over any of the asteroid gods/goddesses i have already covered, in terms of their retrograde, so i know that youre interested in a part 2! who knew we would be debating my potential wifey status lmfao. you simply have higher priorities. Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about. you may have trouble sticking up for yourself - she didnt try to make her case known to athena, she simply accepted the punishment that she didnt deserve. marriage astrology tumblr - and that is being a human. in my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post i presented retrograde as though the effects everyone is about to read are slower to develop than those who have a direct asteroid - this post will be a breakdown similar to that post, reflecting on the planets and five common asteroid i see retrograded in a chart and advice for each retrograde. A good marriage astrologer can even predict the direction & distance from where your future life partner will come. go ask your questions! FOR ALL THE GODS SAKES PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE OF WHAT WE ARE LOOKING AT. Physically, watch for digestive system issues, or skin issues like eczema or breakouts. religion is great dont shit on others for not sharing your beliefs or lack thereof though. #Marriage astrology on Tumblr Latest Top cosmicpuzzle Follow 7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. they may be incredible with makeup and use it to become a different person or have a strong dislike towards makeup. change is good. i implore you to read the neptune and jupiter aspects to see what resonates! she was really into the ceremony and didnt realize she was the only one. to communicate she didnt need words - things were said without actually saying a thing. Aspects is a very important component in synastry. i am really quite diplomatic and political when you get into nitty gritty with me so these two asteroids being in public houses make sense to me. you may not notice the beauty you have because you are fully invested in your role. Porta coeli is the Latin phrase for heavens gate. Porta coeli has been incorporated in many architectural structures including churches to show a sense of sanctity. He and I met in school (the 10th house is related to our professional career and school and aspirations, and Gemini is associated with education) and we fell on love on the stage doing drama. keep a dream journal. go somewhere new - get away from your routine. Long distance travel may be harder to come by during this period, or if it is pursued, it can be a lesson in cultural differences and what it means to connect with others through shared beliefs, or simply beliefs youve never been exposed to before. where dostoevsky is for me and how it affects me personally: 5h in cancer at 14 - bruh i vibe with fyodor. Youre called to reassess the material world around you and what it is you value mostly life and yourself, and your sense of self worth and what makes you feel valuable to society. Key words: Revolution, reassessing, rebuilding, technology, science, socialism, togetherness, connections, organization, class consciousness, idealism. make sure you are being safe. People with Pluto in the 12th may dread or even fear going to the hospital. click here for part 2: random ask asteroids, click here for part 2.5: wintry asteroids, click here for part 3: a semester of literature, hi i just wanted to know your thoughts on asteroid Medusa in Capricorn at 29 in the 12H conjunct my ascendant in Aquarius? they may feel like everyone else or as though they try their best to fit in with others and met the milestones society sets. She spent many years studying crystallography. thus, your perspective may be rather unpopular or otherwise ignored by those around you. In ths aspect, Juno is similar to Venus and Libra. try to remove yourself from drama, you wont be letting anyone down by doing so. speaking of athena - you may find yourself in an unspoken agreement with a powerful entity - you may just sign over your soul and forsake your life before. you may feel complete or like you are understood when in a religious institution because everyone shares similar values. Hii in my neptune persona jupiter in leo 2House, can you tell me places , finding lost things with astrology help, how to predict the cycle of a relationship in astrology using composite charts, how to predict the future of your relationship in astrology, explaining the moon signs; i dont even remember i made this lol, mercury observations: our anxieties & getting through the day, #0012 this is what your pluto experiences loss in, my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post, part 1: primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, & muses, question about natal 1h varuna, negative sun-varuna aspects, and positive mc-varuna aspects. you may find yourself working in an area where you help to house or care for women: you may be a cleaner for postpartum women, a hairdresser for depressed women, a director of safe housing for battered women, etc. sure thing, lets talk about it! Hatter sung to the Queen of Hearts at a celebration and she didnt like it - she sentenced him to death formurdering the time. Thus time is frozen in the grove at 6:00 making it always tea time and never execution time. Actor was the son of Myrmidon and Pisidice - Pisidice was allegedly a decendant of Zeus. We can say this is a common interface which tells us about astrology. anything that is retrograded in your chart can indirectly affect you OR the aspect of the planet or asteroid takes longer to develop. IN MY OPINION Lev tolstoj and/or alexejtolstoj in a chart can indicate a) your realistic point of view or how you write in terms of realism, b) where you may be seen as great, c) where you may not receive the prize for your incredible work though it is widely respected and loved, and/or d) where you may inspire political change. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next or if youd like to see another solar return indicator edition! It is our hypotheses that some aspects occur with statistically significant high frequency, coinciding with this program could be to bring awareness to a cause (could be about religion or sexual abuse). she had the strength to move on from hatred and reground herself. you deserve more! plus i grew up being that kid that had to be told to go play with the other kids - i preferred talking to playing and adults to other children (yay childhood trauma pt1). To predict future life partner name, Nakshatras play very significant role. you *might* experience a rape in which you find yourself with a child. Fertility and growth are the fundamentals of a successful relationship. where educatio is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 14 - lol this poor asteroid is conjunct venus, pluto, and chiron. where DNA is for me and how it affects me personally: 10h in capricorn at 2 - please tell me you arent shocked about that placement after that analysis ^^^. Sleepless nights are upon you during this time, a period of self isolation and reflection is much needed for a soul journey and proper self atonement.

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