epistemological shift pros and cons

Contains Kims classic discussion of species of dependence (for example, mereological dependence). Outlines and evaluates the anti-intellectualist and intellectualist views of know-how. It is the idea that one has shifted, or changed, the way he or she takes in knowledge (Rayner, 2011).The fact that taking in knowledge has altered is evident in learning institutions today. as in testimony cases in friendly environments, where knowledge acquisition demands very little on the part of the agent), he argues that cognitive achievement is not essentially wedded to knowledge (as robust virtue epistemologists would hold). Relatedly, if framed in terms of credence, what credence threshold must be met, with respect to propositions in some set, for the agent to understand that subject matter? On such an interpretation, explanationism can be construed as offering a simple answer to the object question discussed above: the object of understanding-relevant grasping would, on this view, be explanations. His view is that understanding requires the agent to, in counterfactual situations salient to the context, be able to modify their mental representation of the subject matter. To the extent that this is correct, there is some cause for reservation about measuring degrees of understanding according to how well they approximate the benefits provided by knowing a good and correct explanation. A proponent of Khalifas position might, however, view the preceding response as question-begging. Rohwer argues that counterexamples like Pritchards intervening luck cases only appear plausible because the beliefs that make up the agents understanding come exclusively from a bad source. For that reason, these will be addressed before moving on to the more explicitly epistemological concerns. While his view fits well with understanding-why, it is less obvious that objectual understanding involves grasping how things came to be. For those who wonder about whether the often-discussed grasping associated with understanding might just amount to the possession of further beliefs (rather than, say, the possession of manipulative abilities), this type of view may seem particularly attractive (and comparatively less mysterious). Kvanvig does not spell out what grasping might involve, in the sense now under consideration, in his discussion of coherence, and the other remarks we considered above. The epistemological shift in the present in the study - Course Hero bella vista catholic charities housing; wills point tx funeral homes; ptvi triathlon distance; is frankie beverly in the hospital; birria tacos long branch; Relatedly, Van Camp (2014) calls understanding a higher level cognition that involves recognizing connections between different pieces of knowledge, and Kosso (2007: 1) submits that inter-theoretic coherence is the hallmark of understanding, stating knowledge of many facts does not amount to understanding unless one also has a sense of how the facts fit together. While such remarks are made with objectual understanding (that is, understanding of a subject matter) in mind, there are similar comments about understanding-why (for example, Hills 2009) that suggest an overlapping need to consider connections between items of information, albeit on a smaller scale. Such a constraint would preserve the intuition that understanding is a particularly desirable epistemic good and would accordingly be untroubled by the issues highlighted for the weakest view outlined at the start of the section. In this respect, then, Kvanvigs view achieves the result of a middle ground. Of course, many interrelated questions then emerge regarding coherence. Khalifas (2013) view of understanding is a form of explanatory idealism. A second reason that adverting to grasping-talk in the service of characterizing understanding raises further question is that it is often not clarified just what relationships or connections are being grasped, when they are grasped in a way that is distinctive of understanding. He suggests that the primary object of a priori knowledge is the modal reality itself that is grasped by the mind and that on this basis we go on to assent to the proposition that describes these relationships. In addition, Zagzebski supports the provocative line that understanding can perhaps sometimes be more desirable when the epistemic agent does not have the relevant true beliefs. Epistemology is often defined as the theory of knowledge, and talk of propositional knowledge (that is, S knows that p) has dominated the bulk of modern literature in epistemology. For example, and problematically for any account of objectual understanding that relaxes a factivity constraint, people frequently retract previous attributions of understanding. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979. He wants us to suppose that grasping has two componentsone that is a purely psychological (that is, narrow) component and one that is the actual obtaining of the state of affairs that is grasped. epistemological shift pros and cons - hashootrust.org.pk Argues that we should replace the main developed accounts of understanding with earlier accounts of scientific explanation. Although a large number of epistemologists hold that understanding is not a species of knowledge (e.g. It is just dumb luck the genuine sheep happened to be in the field. Having abandoned the commitment to absolute space, current astronomers can no longer say that the Earth travels around the sun simpliciter, but must talk about how the Earth and the sun move relative to each other. (2007: 37-8). Khalifa, K. Inaugurating understanding or repackaging explanation. But more deeply, atemporal phenomena such as mathematical truths have, in one clear sense, never come to be at all, but have always been, to the extent that they are the case at all. Hills herself does not believe that understanding-why is some kind of propositional knowledge, but she points out that even if it is there is nonetheless good cause to think that understanding-why is very unlike ordinary propositional knowledge. An epistemological shift: from evidence-based medicine to This type of a view is a revisionist theory of epistemic value (see, for example, Pritchard 2010), which suggests that one would be warranted in turning more attention to an epistemic state other than propositional knowledgespecifically, according to Pritchardunderstanding. By contrast, the paradigmatic case of environmental epistemic luck is the famous barn faade case (for example, Ginet 1975; Goldman 1979), a case where what an agent looks at is a genuine barn which unbeknownst to the individual is surrounded by faades which are indistinguishable to the agent from the genuine barn. To the extent that this is right, Zagzebski is endorsing a kind of KU principle (compare: KK). ), Epistemic Value. ), Virtue Epistemology Naturalized: Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. He claims that while we would generally expect her to have knowledge of her relevant beliefs, this is not essential for her understanding and as a result it would not matter if these true beliefs had been Gettierised (and were therefore merely accidentally true). This is because we dont learn about causes a priori. He takes his account to be roughly in line with the laymans concept of curiosity. The Case of Richard Rorty A Newer Argument Pro: Hales's Defense o. Pritchard maintains that it is intuitive that in the case just described understanding is attainedyou have consulted a genuine fire officer and have received all the true beliefs required for understanding why your house burned down, and acquire this understanding in the right way. This is of course an unpalatable result, as we regularly attribute understanding in the presence of not just one, but often many, false beliefs. Pritchard, D. Knowing the Answer, Understanding and Epistemic Value. Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (2008): 325-39. (vi) an ability to give q (the right explanation) when given the information p. If understanding entails true beliefs of the form, So understanding entails that beliefs of the form. ), Intellectual Virtue: Perspectives from Ethics and Epistemology. Consider how some people think they grasp the ways in which their zodiac sign has an influence on their life path, yet their sense of understanding is at odds with the facts of the matter. Her main supporting example is of understanding the rate at which objects in a vacuum fall toward the earth (that is, 32 feet per second), a belief that ignores the gravitational attraction of everything except the earth and so is therefore not true. ), The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. Open Document. This allows the agent to produce a slightly different mental representation of the subject matter that enables efficacious inferences pertaining to (or manipulations of) the subject matter. Carter, J. Understanding in Epistemology | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Consider the view that the kinds of epistemic luck that suffice to undermine knowledge do not also undermine understanding. Discuss the pros and cons of the epistemological shift in an essay. epistemological shift pros and cons - dogalureticipazari.com If we sometimes attribute understanding to two people even when they differ only in terms of who has more false beliefs about a subject, this difference in degrees indicates that one can have understanding that includes some false beliefs. This view, while insisting that central beliefs must all be true, is flexible enough to accommodate that there are degrees of understandingthat is, that understanding varies not just according to numbers of true beliefs but also numbers of false, peripheral beliefs. A more charitable interpretation of Bakers position would be to read making reasonable sense more strongly. epistemological shift pros and cons - oshawanewhome.ca Carter, J. Ginet, C. Knowledge, Perception and Memory. (For example, propositions, systems, bodies of information, the relationships thereof, and so on?). If the latterthat is, if we are to understand grasping literally, then, also unfortunately, we are rarely given concrete details of its nature. But when the object of understanding why is essentially evaluativefor example, understanding why the statue is beautifulit seems that the quality of ones understanding could vary dramatically even when we hold fixed that one possesses a correct and complete explanation of how the statue came to be (that is, both a physical and social description of these causes). epistemological shift - porosity.ca The guiding task was to clarify what versions of historical epistemology exist and the pros and cons each of them presents. Scotland, U.K. A Weak Factivity Constraint on Objectual Understanding, Moderate Views of Objectual Understandings Factivity, Understanding as Representation Manipulability, Understanding as Well-Connected Knowledge, Understanding as (Partially) Compatible with Epistemic Luck, Newer Defenses of Understandings Compatibility with Epistemic Luck. Discuss the pros and cons of the epistemological shift in an essay

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