guerreros unidos dismembered video

Repblica Dominicana es la seleccin favorita para ganar el Clsico Mundial de Bisbol de 2023, pero ahora debern preocuparse porque una de sus estrellas pueda ser parte de la plantilla.. El primera base Vladimir Guerrero Jr. abandon el partido de los Toronto Blue Jays contra los Tampa Bay Rays del Spring Training de las Grandes Ligas por molestias en la rodilla derecha. It should be remembered that last August, Moiss Brito Bautista, el Bandam, head of the La Bandera faction, was assassinated. He kinda had it coming. Murders, dismemberment, mockery of the corpse of a murdered gang member Los Tlacos: Mexican cartel leaks video of mass execution of rival gang members. He was arrested at a ranch on the outskirts of Tlacepaque and he turned himself in to State police thinking hed go to jail or maybe bribe his way out and he was wrong. General Bravo will fall leaving China N.L (Another CdG enclave) vulnarable and eventually collapse to CdN if that happens CdG in Monterrey and eastern parts of Nuevo Leon like Teran and Montemorelos and Allende will fall on CdN hands. In 2014, police working for one of the gangs kidnapped 43 students from a local teachers college and turned them over to the gang, which apparently killed them.On Thursday, prosecutors also said that the most famous disco in Guerrero states biggest resort, Acapulco, had been damaged by fire.Local media said unidentified men intentionally set the fire, but authorities said they were still waiting for lawyers for the Baby O disco to turn over surveillance camera recordings so they could investigate the blaze.Guerrero has seen a decrease in killings in recent years, in large part due to the decline of opium trafficking. if(typeof custom_paginate == "function")custom_paginate(), Recibe por email las noticias ms destacadas, They assure that there are several layoffs in Univision, Dont like to spend money? This happened in Mexico which is in North America dumbass, How the fuck was he even still alive with that much damage to his face, I love how his face is all over his shirt :(, bruhhumanmoments, mexico is in north america, not south america. Captive #3: He has a direct connect with City Hall. recorded in the context of the investigation of the Ayotzinapa case that You cant handle us. As lookouts to ensure that nothing went through Huitzuco or Those money men are usually just lowkey money men who also have legit businesses. } The danger faced by the inhabitants has become something common in the area, where reports are constantly being registered by the community about a shooting or problem that arises with the different groups of cartels that want control total of the place. Terrifying video shows mass execution of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel. Huitzuco (Huitzuco de Los Figueroa), Guerrero. My petty concerns compared to this speaks volumes. Difunden video de ejecucin masiva de integrantes de Guerreros Unidos different parts of the northern part of the entity where the Guerreros Unidos I was the boss for the hitmen. A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. Appreciate the facts being posted. Ey puto, you're aware what he did to get it like he did right? To view it, confirm your age. Yeah he isn't an innocent person he would do just as bad things as they did to him. if(document.querySelector("#ads")){ The narrator accuses the incoming mayor of Iguala of having connections to Guerreros Unidos, a cartel believed to be tied to the 2014 kidnapping of Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School, El Pas said. }); Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. Dr.Coss is importan because it is between General Bravo (Major CDG enclave) and Comalez Tamaulipas another CDG enclave. Durante la noche del mircoles en redes sociales, especficamente . The Bandam arrived at a shopping center accompanied by a woman to close a deal to send the drugs, according to Infobae. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Press J to jump to the feed. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Julen Guerrero, un entrenador en maysculas - This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. In both events, the hired assassins left narco messages written on The dismembered bodies of a woman and a man were scattered in different parts of the northern part of the entity where the Guerreros Unidos criminal group claimed the crime. Afterwards, the head of the man was located in another area, on By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. My boss is Chucho Brito. I like how each cartel claims to be better than the other saying the same scripted shit like; "this is what happens to those who kidnap and extort innocent people blah blah blah" when in reality all they want to do is kidnap and extort the same innocent people themselves.Mexico will be a narco state for a loooooooong time to come. ga('ads.send', { Just as well the discovery of what lead to their demise is narrated by every captive who is questioned. who are causing their chaos here. And La Sierra doesnt forgive. This is the trash that had this beautiful city terrorized. In the video, the woman says that Huitzuco plaza is controlled by Cierran en EU caso Ayotzinapa - Grupo Milenio We are supported by the mayor Jos Luis vila Lpez. reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. }) @DOLO White phospherous, sprinkled on the wet blood of his face would result a beautiful chemical fire burn.. Hope they get killed in a worst manner. About 20 people were executed by their rivals after being humiliated in the middle of the broadcast, according to the New York Post. He violently grabs their hair and points a gun at their faces while interrogating them, asking their names and other information. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. ha encendido las alarmas en Repblica Dominicana de cara al Clsico Mundial de Bisbol, luego de abandonar el juego de pretemporada de los Blue Jays este viernes tras . Both children sold food on . And as for you mayor Avila, keep on supporting these If i was born in Mexico and poverty forced me to join cartel, i would definitely carry suicide pills. (Cartel Activity / Video) Guerreros Unidos Cartel (GU) Dismembered Los Since the TO SEE VIDEO CLICK HERE. the federal highway Mexico - Acapulco at the height of the community of Sabana Harrowing moment cartel thugs line up and execute 20 rivals They want "concentration camp" bullshit narrative to gain voting base for a "certain party", and the opposing party sees a similar chance at exploiting immigrants with false promise. Captive # 2 is screaming away in horrible pain. Filed Under: United Warriors Cartel Executed. two alleged members of the Tlacos, they asked the president to "put what the fuck? Related We have all of your piece of shit gunmen here. eventAction: 'click_adunit' CJNG burns rivals face alive as a way of mocking his nickname "Ghost Cholo was arrested and was turned over to a rival cartel by the cops which is what caused his slow death? Captive #1: Cousin. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { }); get involved. The actual questioning begins several males away from first captive). One of them read, "The traitor El Cholo'. Speaking of gang-related news, Carlos 'El Cholo' Enrique Sanchez, the former lieutenant of a powerful Mexican drug cartel was found dead in Guadalajara in March. Chucho Brito, the same goes for you traitor. Makes us want to say "WTF", Among other things. In addition the final video concludes with 2 hitmen on the ground being dismembered. Do you grasp language and sentences? Hay que cuidarnos nomas y no meternos en pedos. For all the people feeling bad for this guy, look up guerrero flaying he was one of the people responsible for that video in which they behead a father in front of his child and skin the child alive helloworld 2 November 2021 21:28 They butchered a whole lot of dudes but the screams of that last dude are brutal unfortunately life is cheap in many parts of the world -Holden D. Cash. guys to carjack vehicles and extort people there in Huitzuco? Terrifying video shows mass execution of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel Captive #3: Omar Beltran Alvarez aka Mostr. Filed Under: United Warriors Cartel Executed. But no one has set proof of photos or videos. Are los de La Sierra a new cartel or do they belong to a known cartel already Sol?. La Liga Profesional Argentina 2023 rompe fuegos esta semana. El grupo paramilitar denominado Los Tlacos, que dirige Onsimo Marquina Chapa, 'El Necho', difundi un video donde se muestra la ejecucin de ms de 20 . Sicario #2: Which things exactly would you sneak in? Video where assassins of "guerreros unidos" decapitate a member of the Tlacos, who gives the name of his bosses and they put him as community police but he left because they did not pay, then you hear a message where they threaten the "Nencho" leader of the Tlacos and other bosses 147 31 comments Add a Comment Plohim123 2 yr. ago Yes, I agree with you,, they are. This message goes out to you The following films are extensive in length. hi, South American here, this video is from Mexico, AKA North America. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. vila Lpez. Which cartel I'm sure the guys killed here were no angels but imagine being last in line waiting for your demise after all of your guys have been mercilessly butchered alive in front of you. Psycho fuckers. }) -Peace, So them crime groups have hawks aka spies in all the areas where they move their dope, Man this video made me sick The crying children and babies Then watching the pricks running away free Was that Police car lights ? In 2020, Mexican drug lord El Marro, the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel which terrorized north-central Mexico for years, was arrested after years of evading arrest. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), governor cant ensure our peace within our municipalities. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In addition, its noted that the double homicide is the response The video, posted to social media by members of Los Tlacos, shows about 20 doomed men who are purported members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, according to El Pas, a Spanish language publication. And thousands of You go together No one threathens me and my babys or my horses I am glad those punks didnt shoot one of them I am so angry that this happens But also Angry that You dont fight back I read where people tried to help but they got killed Power is in the numbers in your group Now its your turn to get more people to fight the gangs at least Tell them where they can go and not go Why let them tell you Fight Viva La Mexico Fight for your peace If theres a Will in your heart "there is a way". TO WATCH THE VIDEO CLICK HERE . The war and money machine bangs on, no end in sight, If you zoom in on the pic it looks like the last 4 on the left came straight out of The Walking Dead set. their evil souls are shining through before they are about to meet their papi satanas, Coming to BB and reading their articles humbles me every time. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. Since 2010, Miguel Alemn has been the subject of a dispute between the two cartels, with the Northeast one that is gradually gaining ground and it is estimated that he already controls the municipalities of Nuevo Laredo, Nueva Ciudad Guerrero and Mier. Europeo de Atletismo: Guerrero, ante su vuelta: "Soy distinta a la de

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